
The snow arrived last night, as promised.  I’d woken up twice during the night and looked out the window at a white night.  This morning, the wind was howling and I watched flags whipping wildly.  It didn’t seem to be as bad as forecast, but I know that I’m biased because I live on the 20th floor, and snow doesn’t pile up to my window, nor do I need to shovel, so I never know what conditions are outdoors.  Jerry has been most unimpressed with the cold and wind, doing his little “Nope!” Don was grousing about a draught somewhere in the house, which I can also feel but can’t track down.  It’s led to wrapping up warmly in blankets, sweaters and cozy socks!  My back continues to confuse me, as I’m getting twinges and stabs and I cannot account for a cause.  I know that I can adjust my pain medication, but I’d prefer not to as I rather enjoy being alert.  I will, if it continues, but still… 

Thanks everyone who sent me their Lenten meditations; it’s great to know that I’m not the only one who appreciates the idea of growing spiritually and becoming a kinder, more caring person.  I was even more amazed at the messages I got from non-Catholics and non-Christians who appreciated the intent.  Thank you for sharing with me.  

I learnt yesterday that almost my whole family in TT has contracted covid following their Carnival exploits.  They’re all doing well, with generally mild symptoms, and my father is in quarantine to keep him from getting sick.  I confess that I’m relieved that I didn’t head home for February as I’d originally intended, as it would have been dreadful to get sick after avoiding infections for the last 3 years.  My sister and the small people are also recovering from bad flus, so Don and I continue to avoid interactions with anyone.  No offence intended to anyone, I just have spent enough time with doctors and hospitals and it’s nice not to see them.  

OK, quick question related to TV shows / movies, especially police procedurals and thrillers.  Someone arrives home, late at night, and sees their front door ajar.  Instead of (as I would) immediately calling police and reporting a break in, they push open the door, calling out “Who’s there?” and not turning on the lights.  Or they hear a noise in another part of the house, and go walking around in the dark until they’re attacked by the assailant who’s hiding behind a curtain.  What is this aversion to lights in your own home?  Why do they seem to think that they have night vision or echolocation?  And that’s usually after they’re aware of threats to themselves.  I also wonder at the irrationality of TV law enforcement officers who seem ready to “go rogue” at the slightest provocation… if that’s even an approximation of reality, it’s no wonder that there’s a high level of mistrust of police officers.  The accusations of innocent people, followed by the sheer number who vow blood vengeance on individuals… it’s not exactly confidence building, is it?  The medical dramas, too… the doctors and nurses are either all tangled in multiple sexual relationships, personal dramas and generally pathetic personal lives, so I have to wonder about the care of their patients who are not in the VIP wards. Yes, human nature, blah blah, but if the people who are trained to enforce the law and peace can’t control their emotions, then they’re really not fit to exercise power over others.  I know that medical staff have some extremely stressful jobs and their own personal lives, but the ones on TV give me even more worries than the severely underfunded Canadian medical system!! Thoughts?

I’m going to take a break now, and get some rest.  My back is unhappy… Good night!


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