
I’m feeling a little blue today, there’s no real reason, except that I do.  I’m a little irritated by my home care company, which hasn’t provided me with a worker for a week, and failed to notify me that they weren’t able to do that for several of the days.  I’d like to complain and gripe, but there’s no outlet.  I’ve been able, as I mentioned, to eat some solids, but I’m frustrated that I’m still not able to eat anything resembling a portion for a toddler.  So — no real reason, I’m just a bit cranky and down and I don’t want to see people or talk to anyone.  Even the boys have picked up on this and are staying quiet — well, Jerry is testing my boundaries by getting into mischief and otherwise checking that I’m paying attention to him at all times.  I’ll work through it, I know, but today is one of those that I’d like a do-over.

Because I’m in this odd mood, watching the news has me reacting unsympathetically to some stories that are being published to make me say, “Oh the poor people!  Bad company/government!” But just makes me say, “That’s your problem, not anyone else’s”. Today’s was a family that decided to take a short holiday out of province.  About a week before the trip, the dad “suddenly” realizes that his identification document was expired.  He blamed it on the government for not sending him an email to say that it was due to expire.  (Apparently opening his wallet and checking the date is too hard.)  So he went to get it renewed, got the paperwork saying that he’d renewed it and the new card would arrive in 4-6 weeks.  He decided to travel, and the airline accepted his card (which was still valid that day; it expired on his trip.)  The airline, I think, shouldn’t have allowed him to board, but they did, and on his return a couple of weeks later, refused him.  He now wants to sue the airline, the government, the travel agent because he had to pay a lot to rent a car to drive back home.  I’ve said to Don that I have always had valid travel documents since I was 6 weeks old, and I don’t understand how people can say that they “weren’t aware” that their documents were expired.  I definitely don’t know how otherwise fully functional adults blame everyone else for their lapses in maintaining their information.

I’m going to stop here; I’m afraid that my irritability will blow into something worse and I’ll say things it’ll be impossible to retract.  I’ll go play with this dog who is trying to pull the iPad off my lap… Good night.


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