The weather today started with fog, it warmed up to freezing, and then ice rain started. I’m told that the roads and pavements are coated in ice. Of all forms of weather, I hate ice rain / freezing rain. It looks pretty, with crystalline casing on branches that glitters when the sun hits it, and it looks like a fairytale winter scene, but it’s so treacherous and unsafe and I’m extending my “stay at home” time. Jerry managed to find one of his old toys, and is playing with it, shaking it, throwing it up in the air and catching it. It’s so fun to watch as he’s pouncing on it, then bringing it to one of us and playing tug o’war. Don’s doing well, and laughing at the tiny dictator. I’ve been warned that Sunday is “an important sports game” (or something) so I’m on my own for entertainment.
Speaking of entertainment, Netflix — WDA is your story? If I pay for 4 screens, then I think that I’m entitled to use 4 screens any way I want! If I choose to have one of the screens on the far side of Ontario, then that’s my affair, not yours. I’m willing to bet that you’ll lose more subscribers than will decide to open their own accounts! And then you’ll lose more market share, your income will drop further, and we’ll all switch over to Prime and Disney+ and you’ll go the way of your mail-return video service. 😡 Bad Netflix!
On the subject of commercial organizations… car companies, please get over yourselves. A new car doesn’t “transport you to new worlds” nor does it suddenly transform you into camping-outdoors-sporty people. You’re far more likely to have kids who pee in the backseat than go surfing, especially if you live in a city that’s 1,000 miles from the nearest open water. All those beauty shots of zooming along traffic free highways or coastal roads and pristine land are beyond unrealistic. It’s also contradictory to say that you’re environmentally conscious, when driving an SUV (= gas guzzler) into protected forests, mountains and other pristine landscapes. As for the idea that your SUV is a raging beast or a playful puppy… your ad agencies need to dial back on the hallucinogens! I find that I’m less motivated by commercials as I get older; is that a sign of maturity? Or cranky curmudgeonlyness? I’ll have to work on being careful not to become too much of a grumbler.
My feet are under attack… so I’m off for tonight. Be good!
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