
Today started off really chilly (-21C) but it’s warmed up to freezing.  I found it hard to wake up this morning, so I stayed in bed until after 10am, with a small dog curled up on my tummy until I finally crawled out of bed.  He’s now at the side of my chair nagging me to pet him with one hand. And getting upset when I try to type.  Don is fine, watching his usual Saturday night sports; his team played last night, but there’s a game on, so he’s “watching” 😝

My friend Paul has spent years teasing me about being behind the times because I only recently got a PVR and I have just the TV in the living room.  He says that there must be something strange with me that I don’t have at least 2 TVs; worse, that I am content to read or crochet instead of being glued to shows.  I’ve never been able to binge watch any series; I can manage 2 episodes of any show, then I need to stop and do something different.  Then I said to him that I’m really loving the PVR and the ability to fast forward through commercials.  “Welcome to the 1990s,” said my cheeky friend!  But seriously, what is the appeal of binge watching a show?  Sitting, staring at a screen unblinking for an entire weekend?  Don will point out the irony of me griping about staring at a screen when I always have my iPad in hand, often reading a book for hours, so he says there’s no real difference… he’s also inclined sometimes to change the channel on the grounds that I’m not paying attention since I’m reading / texting while watching a show.  But ads… oh, how annoying they are!  Do people actually buy the products and services that are promoted in them?  It may be that I’ve reached that stage in my life where I don’t need that many things, and I’ve been brand-loyal for a while, so I’m not inclined to change some things.  If “my” salespeople recommend a new product, I’m likely to try it, because we’ve established a relationship for such a long time that they know the kinds of things I’m interested in.  But a random product advertised on TV — not likely.  Worse, if it’s an ad that interrupts my viewing of videos online or my scrolling.  Has anyone ever bought an item that was only advertised online?  Or been persuaded by a TV ad to walk into a dealership and buy a particular car brand?  Or tried a service because of an ad — without a discount coupon involved?  I’d be interested.  I was watching a live TV broadcast this week, and tried to skip the ads… I decided that I’m just going to record what I want to watch and skip the ads 😂 

One of my lovely readers commented that I sound like I’m under-nourished.  I’d have to agree.  I’m often hungry, but I still can’t eat very much, so I know that I’m not getting enough to eat.  I’m at a point where I’m seriously tired of not eating, and having to, for example, make two meals out of a sandwich.  I’m trying to eat every 2 - 3 hours, but I’m craving variety!  To make things more challenging, if I order a Wendy’s chicken sandwich, I’ll be able to eat half, and I don’t want to see the other half, but I don’t like to throw away food, so I make myself eat it.  Then I might cook something that I enjoy, but I won’t eat much, and I will make myself eat the rest… That’s not quite accurate; it’s just that I don’t really want to eat the same meal more than once, even if it’s not the same day.  I’m annoyed with myself, because I feel like I’m being childish and ridiculous, and I should just eat whatever is in front of me.  I’ve got a couple of people who will call and ask, “have you eaten?”  I got a bit frustrated after a while and started to reply, “what did you bring for me to eat?”  I know, not the most mature response.  I’m trying, I am, but I think that I need some inspiration.

I’m off to take my meds and play with this little dog who is getting more intrusive.  Good night.


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