It’s happily a little warmer today, although still below freezing. Jerry has spent the day on one lap or the other, seeking cuddles. I’m not sure why exactly, but he seems extra protective recently. I’m hoping that if the weather warms up a bit more we can go out for a short walk, so he can get some of his fidgets out. Don, thankfully, is in good spirits, which makes it easier for me, so I’m able to focus on getting better.
Happily, my tummy continues to settle, and I’m gradually adding solids back to my diet. It’s been 2 weeks, after all, so it’s about time! I talked again with the dietitian, and we’ve decided that I’ll continue to gradually increase my solids while trying to maintain my calorie intake. We’re starting to measure my weight based on the current level, with the aim to stabilize and increase gradually. So happiness and rejoicing, I’m able to eat again.
I received a copy of a news story which was supposed to inflame my sympathy and raise my anger at “senseless natives.” It backfired. The story was of a Canadian tourist, travelling in Tobago, who went to the machineel forest. For those who don’t know, machineel is an incredibly toxic tree — every part of the tree is toxic, and if you’re unfortunate enough to stand under one in the rain, you’re also in danger. Naturally, there are signs everywhere warning people not to touch the trees, or eat the fruit. The tourist decided to eat a fruit from the beach and fell ill. Basic common sense would dictate that you don’t eat strange fruit on the beach. Combine that with reading any of the 20 LARGE warning signs, and you’d give it a clear berth, right? Oh no. She ate the fruit, and her partner is of the view that the trees “should be destroyed.” I’m supposed to say, “Oh, the poor girl! How dreadful!” And yet, all I think is, “You really should return your passports, you’re far too stupid and irresponsible to be allowed to visit other countries!” I did take my friend there when we visited Tobago some years ago, and warned her about the trees. She’s often told the story that I took her to a poisoned forest and she almost was in danger… I retaliate by telling how she made me climb 1000m up a mountain to visit a tomb in 50C weather, so I think we’re even 😂 We’ve both visited each other’s homes, and it was wonderful to share that experience. I know that I should extend some sympathy for the ill girl, but it’s hard when she’s ill due to her own freely chosen actions and decisions. There have been many stories of people trying to garner sympathy, and I just can’t! Like the family that planned an expensive vacation but didn’t renew their passports until a week before the trip. Calls to their MP about the “horrendous” passport system… and I asked, why don’t you have a valid passport at all times? It’s nobody’s fault but yours if your paperwork is not correct.
OK, I’m clearly still hangry… normally I’d find some way to extend sympathy. But today it’s for the people of Türkiye and Syria who were devastated by 2 huge earthquakes. And for the people in the far-too-many war zones and conflicted areas who are only trying to survive, not for entitled people who don’t exercise their brains! That’s me being a little crabby tonight, so sorry! I’ll improve tomorrow. Good night.
Amen glad you are improving and in better spirits love....I got uo 5am with a stomach bug kelt going wayne made me ginger tea gave me lomotil and crix ...he is off for work...resting yoday