Winter chill

It’s cold!  The temperature took a nosedive along with high winds and some snow.  I’m not entirely sure if there’s a link between the cold and the pain in my back, which annoyingly persists.  Anyway, today I joined two old friends for lunch — we haven’t met in person since the start of the pandemic, but before that we’d met regularly for sushi or shawarma.  During the pandemic we managed a couple of virtual meals; planning dates is always challenging.  It was great to see them and do a quick catch up while the snow came down.  I had a quarter of a quesadilla, and then was full, so the rest came home with me.  Jerry objected to being left at home with Don today, and complained at me when I got home about an hour and a half later.  Don didn’t notice that I was gone; he was watching a hockey game when I left, and another when I got home, and is glued to a third now!  I’ve had to increase my pain meds a little, as my back is scaring me.  I’ve got a list of excuses for it, but I sincerely hope that it’s something simple like a twist or a slightly pulled muscle, and nothing big or scary.  It feels partly like a nerve issue (itch that I can’t scratch) and partly like a pull.  Optimism is what we’re going for here, ok?

I regret that I’m about to share something that makes me extremely furious and disinclined to kindness to others.  If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with this, I’d be grateful.

At the beginning of December, a friend of mine said to look out for a package; I didn’t get anything and assumed that with all the things going on with her that it slipped her mind, so I wasn’t going to call and ask about it, which, as it turns out, is a pity.  In January, I got a strange phone call from a “Private Number” — it shows up with that in the display, and there’s no number attached.  Thinking that it was my nurse, I answered, and a woman told me that she had a parcel that was addressed to me, but which had been “delivered to her boyfriend” by mistake.  She said that he lived in one of the condo buildings on my street (there are about a dozen in 2 blocks) and she searched for my number to contact me.  She lives in the east end (about 45 minutes away without traffic) but he’s from downtown.  She said that she’d “accidentally” opened it, and apologized, and said that she wanted to get it back to me but she didn’t have any transport, and she was going to be out of town for a few days, but she’d call so we could arrange something.  I said she should put it back into the mail (resealing it) and it would get to me, or have the “boyfriend” deliver it to my lobby, since she obviously would see him, and he equally obviously would be back downtown (if he did indeed live here.)  I wasn’t expecting anything, and it didn’t occur to me that it was the package from my friend.  I’ve heard nothing since, of course, and I have no way to track down this mysterious caller who never provided her name or number.  Today I got a text from my friend asking whether I’d received the package, so I told her “no,” and talked about the strange call.  I may be needlessly cynical, but I think that the package was stolen from my building and when they found that there was nothing valuable in it, they tried to see if I would pay or something.  Although, in fairness, she never mentioned money.  I did think that if I ever got a call from her saying that she’d drop off the parcel, I’d call the police and ask them to be present as parcel theft is quite prevalent.  My friend told me that the contents were 2 books, which mean a lot to both of us, but not to others, and a Christmas card and letter.  

I’m furious that people steal things and that they deprive the owners of the use and enjoyment of their property.  I’m tempted to wish evil and harm on them, but that’s of no use as you get back what you put out, at least, that’s what I believe, so wishing harm on others just redounds on the wisher.  I’m trying to forgive them for stealing from me, and hope that they’ll have a change of heart and return my items, although I’m not really optimistic that they will.  My friend is more of a Pollyanna than I am, and was willing to give them some of the benefit of the doubt, but as it’s been a while since they discovered the error, I’m less inclined to kindness.  Unfortunately, since I never mentioned it to my friend, she didn’t keep the tracking slip, so we can’t track it down.  😔  I’m out of ideas as to how I could get my package… I know that it’s gone into the ether and either into the homes or the garbage of these thieves.  It’s so annoying that people don’t seem to know not to take things that aren’t theirs.  Which segues into the increase in shoplifting… it’s not harmless or victimless.  The thefts, which might seem small, lead to price increases as stores install more security and surveillance equipment, they reduce staff levels to compensate for increased costs also, and leads to increased scrutiny of customers.  That causes more profiling and stereotyping of certain groups (most of whom are innocent but considered guilty for existing) and it’s a short step from that to physical abuse.  Don’t even start on the “what about the really poor people who are starving?”  Most shoplifters don’t fall into that category, and their crimes lead to a number of unanticipated downstream consequences.  Besides, “Thou shalt not steal” isn’t a suggestion… and the principle of asteya (“not stealing”) is a core tenet of Hinduism.  It’s one of the many ethical principles in humanity — don’t take things that aren’t yours — but asteya adds on not to receive stolen property, and not to incite others to theft.  It’s a disgraceful and disgusting practice.  For the bush lawyers among us, you may want to consider the definition of theft, and its application to fully appreciate how dreadful it is.  I’m happy to debate anyone who’s up to the challenge!

After having vented, I feel better, thanks, except for not having my parcel.  I’m putting a small thought out that I’ll get a call and find that my package is returned, and I hope that I can celebrate the basic goodness of humanity.  Fingers crossed, right?  OK, it’s “play with the puppy” time, since I’ve been forgiven for abandoning him.  Good night!


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