
It’s not usual to have brunch on a Friday, is it?  But my friend came and picked me up this morning and we headed off to a new place where we had “high tea” in the brunch time.  It’s an absolutely lovely place, with loads of flowers on the walls, and some great, fresh food.  It was a lovely mid-morning break, where I got to catch up with someone who I haven’t seen for a while (Bad Covid!!) and we had a nice meal.  I’m resting up, because I know that my body will protest tomorrow if I push too hard.  Jerry was very upset that I went out this morning without him, and when I returned, he greeted me at the door with some very annoyed barks!  I brought Don some of the leftovers, which I think he enjoyed… at any rate, they’re gone!  So everyone had a snack, and I had some lovely hot tea!  I’m starting to get a little peckish now, so I’ll go figure out something to eat in a few minutes.  It’s currently snowing heavily, and has been for a couple of hours, a precursor of the forecast for rain/snow/ice over the next few days…

I’ve got a gripe to share… at the beginning of the month, I had some blood tests done.  In completing the requisition, my doctor selected “Covered by OHIP” (there are 2 tests for the same thing, one is covered by the province and the other is paid.). Blood was drawn, tests completed, and I received in the mail yesterday an invoice for the test.  So I called Dynacare and said, “Why am I being charged?  My doctor selected the covered option.”  TWO people said to me, in serious voices, that the doctor needs to note on the requisition that the test should be the covered one.  Even though the option selected said that.  They said that otherwise they’re not sure what the doctor wants.  I called them thieves.  I also said that they were unfairly adding charges to clients, and they should return my fees.  They’ve refused.  I’m trying to figure out if there’s anything that I can do to have this practice stopped, because it’s theft.  They didn’t ask if I wanted to pay, and honestly, I’m furious.  Even more when I hear the premier on TV talking BS about “improving health care” by gutting the system and lining the pockets of his friends and donors.  So — for anyone getting tests from Dynacare, be aware that they will probably scam you too and charge you for covered tests and upsell with needless charges. 🤬

It’s official, although unsurprising.  I’m hugely outdated and out of touch.  There are so many celebrities whose names/faces/body of work are completely unknown to me, although they are really popular.  I’m not concerned by this, but when I asked, “Who’s Harry Styles?” I apparently shocked everyone.  It’s slightly worse that I can’t name a single tune written in the last 5 years.  My niece, of course, was shocked that I didn’t know who BTS was… and I haven’t recognized any SNL musical guests for at least 3 years, nor have I seen almost any of the hit TV series or movies in a long time.  Heck, Avatar, The Way of Water doesn’t appeal to me; I had enjoyed the first one, but admittedly more for the SFX than the plot, which was cheesy-bad-comic-book-villain; I don’t need to spend 3 hours of my time with poor dialogue and bad acting!  (Change my mind!)  That leads to the question of do I want to reconnect with current culture, or just continue to lose myself in books (and old TV series)?  Thoughts?  I saw the news concerning this year’s Oscars, and while I’m pleased at the increased levels of diversity, I really have no desire to rush off and watch any of the movies.  (Where the Emmy’s are concerned, it’s just as bad — I have no idea what most of the shows are!)

So now that I’ve admitted to being outdated and irrelevant, should I just vanish into a corner, sit in a rocking chair and babble incoherently?  Or enjoy what I enjoy, read books (many of which are quite old), watch the shows that I’ve found and every so often try something new and complain that it’s “not as good as they used to be”?  (Although, frankly, that’s not a blanket statement.  Some shows are much better written and portrayed than in “the old days” and certainly much less cringeworthy.)  My dog definitely doesn’t care what I watch, as long as my lap is readily available for sitting, napping and self-grooming!  Good night 😘


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