
Yesterday we had another heavy dump of wet, sticky snow.  You know the kind that falls looking like heavy rain, small flakes driven by the wind that just piles up… sad, isn’t it, that tropical me knows that there are different types of snow, and can tell which ones are fun, which aren’t and which are nightmares?  Jerry let everyone know that he does not approve of wet paws, and immediately climbed onto my lap to dry his feet on my legs.  Then he flipped onto his back, stuck his paws in the air, and demanded a tummy massage.  Don was fully distracted by baseball (an incredibly boring game that takes longer than cricket to come to a conclusion!) and then by hockey, so he’s fine.  It’s getting to that time of year when I’ll get my annual email saying that the playoffs are on, so I lose access to the TV, Don’s attention, and almost any interesting conversation until sometime in the summer, long after all the natural ice is gone!  That will then be followed by CFL, NFL, MLB and the rest of the alphabet soup and vacuous interviews.

I headed over to the supermarket this afternoon to get a few essentials (dry dog food being at the top of the list.)  While there, I had several revelations with which I intend to bombard you… first was that my local store has gone through a number of changes in the 20-plus years that I’ve lived in this neighbourhood and the latest include a few shocks.  First, the size of the fresh fruit and procure section has shrunk.  Some of the display cases have been removed to make space for an in-store Starbucks — because I go to the supermarket to buy overpriced coffee at the entrance.  Then the fresh fish area has been shut down, replaced by chilled and frozen offerings, and it’s less than half the original size.  The bulk area (nuts, dried fruits, etc) has been moved and the space occupied by a hot food bar; the deli is the only area that seems to have grown.  There is, though, a bigger area devoted to locally produced items, including frozen meal offerings (I bought an Indian entrée to try; it’s quite good) and I was impressed to note that “international foods” has gone from a short area on a single shelf to a full aisle.  It’s great to find a variety of Caribbean items (OK, it’s all Jamaican, but that’s an improvement over 2 sad jerk chicken sauce brands.)   There’s a larger selection of Asian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean products, and more types of pasta and pasta sauces.  Even the offerings of frozen fruit now includes a number of tropical options, including a lovely blend with dragon fruit, passion fruit, mango and pineapple.   I had to check that I wasn’t in Walmart, because I’m not used to seeing that variety in my Ottawa store.  Heck, they even had fresh guava and mangosteen!

So I was pleasantly surprised at the selection that I encountered today.  I was less thrilled with the fresh selection, as the fruits had begun to show the wrinkling that suggests it’s past its prime, although it hadn’t been moved to the “reduced to clear” section.  Pity.  Yes, I always check that stand, as there are often some great deals to be found.  Today’s main deal was a milk from a local dairy, which is about 67% less than the regular brand, so I’m trying it.  It may become my new set brand… I don’t think that I’m the only person who is brand loyal, am I?  A recent study suggested that something like 2/3 people in my age bracket tend to buy the same brand instead of switching when the product is used up.  

The final observation I had today was that I’ll probably have to surrender my Canadian identity card… I cannot, with any honesty, be described as “as Canadian as a maple covered beaver eating bacon laced poutine while scoring in the 5-hole from the blue line.”  (true comparison from a nurse!!)  I love maple syrup, especially on pancakes, French toast and waffles, but I’m not a fan of maple-flavoured foods.  I don’t like maple beans, maple bacon, maple cream, maple candy… just the syrup.  Going to a sugar shack, which I understand is a noted wintry tradition, is a form of purgatory for me.  They cook everything with maple, so I can’t eat it!  I’m thrilled with my maple syrup from my Algonquin friend, and lick the plate after eating, but apparently that’s insufficient for waving the Maple 🍁 Leaf 🇨🇦!  

I’m a little burnt out now, after shopping.  I get tired faster than I like, and the walk around the store left me feeling a little winded.  Plus, loading, unloading the cart, packing and unpacking the car, and storing groceries was a lot.  I’m ok, though, not in pain or anything, just tired.  At the moment, there’s a small dog attacking the remains of his toy on my foot, and he’s intent of getting my attention all to himself.  So I’d better go attend to my tiny overlord… Good night!


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