Women’s Day

I lost count of the number of messages I got today wishing “Happy International Women’s Day” from all sorts of people.  I’m seriously tempted to play “I Am Woman” on loop — I find that song to be so inspirational and uplifting, so it’s no wonder that it’s still being played 50 years later.  I spent some time listening to a live stream from a friend of mine on women’s impact on society, which raised some interesting points to consider, which I may explore in another post.  Jerry is torn today… he was sulking because Don was out for a bit today to run a short errand, and he doesn’t approve of anyone going out without him!  Then he was happy because my support worker was here for the first time in a few weeks, and he leapt off my lap, skidded around the corner and jumped into her arms before she even got her second boot off!  He snuggled in for hugs and kisses and didn’t want her to help me or to leave!  Don was grousing about the high snowbanks that are still in place, making it difficult to get into businesses.  I’ve got a grouse for City council, especially as they’ve been blathering about a more walkable city… not here!

So, International Women’s Day… today everyone is praising women and encouraging them, which is wonderful.  I had a long talk with a girlfriend this evening, and we discussed how women’s role has evolved over time.  We don’t understand how or why societies were set up with the concept that women were weak, malformed men who were incapable of functioning.  We also were reviewing how long it took for various countries to recognize and accept that groups — other than wealthy men — had and deserved full access to equal rights.  Thanks to the work and sufferings of generations, we have a much more equitable society than existed, say, at the time of Jesus, or during the reign of Charlemagne, or during the Crusades, or the Holy Roman Empire, or Tsarist Russia, the French Revolution, or World War II or even during the Vietnam War.  It would be so much better if all countries recognized and embraced the concept that all humans — of whatever gender — deserve equal access to society.  

On another note, I asked Don, “so where are my Women’s Day flowers?”  He replied, “I don’t know,  Where did you put them?”  I pointed out that I should get flowers today, or a gift of some sort, because it’s a day to celebrate women.  He said that my gift was having him here… Do I torture him, ignore him, or charge gifts to his credit card?  I’m open to suggestions…I’m of the view that making him cook dinner this week will be a start to demonstrating affection, and I’ll come up with a menu that provides me with a fun dessert (since I’m still not eating very much.)  My friend pointed out that the odds of getting flowers are higher if one doesn’t have a man occupying the couch… her ex-husband dropped off a large bouquet, which was not something he’d ever done while they were married.  So if her assessment is correct, then maybe I won’t make a fuss?  But I will still drop hints for cake… 😁

OK, that’s tonight’s ramblings.  My lap is being surveilled by a tiny dog who wants a place to nap, so I’d better get to my nighttime job… Good night!


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