
What a lovely, sunshiny spring afternoon.  It was pleasant, but cool. The snow is melting 😁 and soon there will be grass, flowers and birds again!  I had my follow up today with my oncologist, and we’re going to do my next scan before we decide on any future treatments.  I’m off next week to spend Easter with my sister and the small people, and they’ve been reminded to not bring home any illnesses for the next few weeks.  Don decided that we’re celebrating the arrival of spring, so we’ve ordered Chinese for tonight’s supper.  Jerry is in suspicious guard dog mode, and spent all afternoon on my lap to and from the appointment and has been glued to me since we got home.  I threw him off twice, and he just bounced right back up into his spot.  He reluctantly moved to sit on Don, who was wearing his cap, which Jerry interprets as a sign that we’re going out.  So he’s now guarding Don just to be sure that we can’t leave without the dog, and I’m under careful monitoring from a pair of boot-button eyes.

I’m momentarily hooked on some British shows, which are all set in the countryside.  The location shots are all lovely, bucolic and restful, and I said to Don that I’d love to live there.  Except for a couple of minor details… it seems that every one of those tiny villages is set on the side of a steep hill and there’s a lot of uphill walking, stairs and narrow winding roads, accompanied by some adorable houses with low ceilings, steep, ladder like staircases and uneven floors.  Even though winter in the UK is generally milder than it is here, it’s still damp, cold and grey.  It’s likely that the charming winding hilly roads will be wet, slick or icy in winter, and in addition to that, the adorable village shops would not be stocked with many of the foods I normally enjoy.  So my fantasy of having a little whitewashed English country cottage with a thatched roof and climbing roses will remain just that!  Ditto the little seaside house in the Caribbean, for the same issues of mobility.  Holidays are still within the realm of possibility, but if airfares continue their current nonsense, even that becomes more restrictive!

Quick update on the grocery delivery service from last night… they did a great job at picking out some lovely chicken pieces (those were some decent sized birds!) and the dim sum that I ordered (and haven’t yet tried) is huge, reasonably priced and from what I can see, bursting with filling!  They were packed in brown paper bags (no more plastic) and packaging was limited. So full marks for selection and packing. However, they were over 30 minutes late, and I had to call to track down the driver.  I think I will use them again, as I think the delay was just a fluke.

I have to do a little bit of bragging, so here goes!  I’ve spoken about “my” kids before, and how happy they make me.  I got some shares from a couple of them that I’m passing on, just packed with proud Auntie vibes!  First off, is my baby girl Kristin, who is now working as a full-fledged makeup artist under the title Kriskidee (that’s her Instagram)  She did makeup for several commercials in Trinidad & Tobago, and they won various awards.  I’m certain that the makeup was one of the major deciding factors!  I just saw the results, and I couldn’t be any more proud of her — that’s not unusual, but I’m gonna swagger.  Then, one of the boys, Jordon, sent me his website.  He’s a young photographer, and he’s pulled together a sample of his work.  I especially love the photo that he included of his mom (my “twin”) and I have to say that this is just a brief view of his work.  I was super excited to learn that he and Kristin had worked together on a project earlier this year, as (IMO) all that awesome was in one place.  To my other kids, worry not, I will be bragging about you and your accomplishments soon, because I love you all and I’m overwhelmingly proud of you.

I’ll leave you now to go explore the sites for the kids, and I encourage you to give them some love.  I can’t be there in person to hug them breathless, but I am virtually cuddling them.  (And the others that I haven’t promoted yet.  Lots of hugs and squeezes to go around!)  They’re little lights in my life!  I’ve also got supper, and a small dog who’s getting antsy that my lap is temporarily unavailable.  Have a good night, my loves!


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