
It was a sunny, chilly day today.  I had some difficulty waking up this morning, thankfully I got texts from a friend which made me get up so I could do what I needed to do.  I had a rather “lazy cat” day — it seems that as much fun as I have getting out and seeing people, I need a recharge day.  I didn’t feel exceptionally tired or in pain yesterday, but apparently my body has different ideas! I had ambitious plans (anyone who’s surprised, please raise your hand!) which all fell by the wayside as I instead lost myself in reading.  Most of the day I had a little black dog rolled into a ball on my lap, and he had no plans of moving or letting me get up.  He’s switched slaves and is now lying next to Don with his little legs up in the air and demanding attention.  Today is apparently baseball 🥱 opening day, so Don is busy “watching” — but the tiny dictator is arranging himself to block the screen as much as possible 😁. No, I did not train him to do that!  He’s worked out his own evil plans!

I got 2 messages today that were so far apart that I had to take a moment to consider them.  One, the positive, was from a friend who runs a non-profit organization that focuses on women, highlighting some upcoming events.  I know how hard she and her husband work on this, and it’s always encouraging to see what’s happening.  I can’t always participate as I’d like, but I do try and it’s very kind of her to keep me updated.  The other… 😞 I’ll just summarize it, because it made me quite angry.  The person who sent it shocked me, because when I contacted them thinking it was a joke (in poor taste) they defended it.  He (you know this had to be an man) argued that women should “know their place” and “know their attractiveness” and not try to do men’s work.  He went on to say that women can’t make decisions unless they’re supported by a man, and they rely too heavily on their girlfriends to assess their attractiveness, so they should “know how they rate” instead of reaching for unattainable men — who are the ones who decide if a relationship will happen, and who are the primary earners. 

Before you flood me with angry emails, I’ve blocked him and ended all communication.  I’m beyond horrified that someone of my age and approximate background could hold these repugnant views.  I’d seen hints of this misogyny before, but not to this extent.  I told him that he was demonstrating textbook toxic masculinity, chauvinism and sexism to an extent that I thought had died out around the time of the suffragette movement!  A couple more words, and he’d argue that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, work outside of the home or be educated in the “3 R’s”!  I was told that I was being unfair, reactionary, emotional… the conversation didn’t last much longer.  

Honestly, there shouldn’t be any people who still hold those stupid beliefs.  The fact that there are indicates that there are still failures and weaknesses in society.  I sincerely hope that he’s an outlier who will find himself further outcast from decent society, but I despair a little as there are so many hate-filled groups that have found audiences through the internet.  I’m flabbergasted that there are “world leaders” who embrace these behaviours and seem to think that it’s acceptable.  I’ll ask that men please correct your brothers who spew this hatred.  Women, train your sons to respect you and every human.  It’s sad, but misogyny is linked to racism, homophobia, transphobia and bullying — they’re all interconnected.  Once someone has a view that there’s a group of people who are lesser than they are, they are going to lump anyone who’s different into that.  You can’t find a racist who supports women’s rights.  

Sorry for the rant; I just was so horrified and disturbed by the communique that I had to say something.  I dislike having to remove people from my life, but it’s sometimes necessary.  Meanwhile, I’ll return to praising my friend for her accomplishments, and to thank those who have been consistently supportive and encouraging of me as I go through my issues.  The weather for tomorrow promises to be cold and wintry, with more of a wintry mess on the weekend!  It will improve, I know, I just hope I have some warm days while I’m with the small people!  Easter spoiling gifts have already been ordered, and I’m debating whether to add a couple more items… Thoughts?  I’ll also have to spoil my boys, as they’ll be bachelors for a few days — I’m terrified of that!  The mischief they can cause… On that note, good night!


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