
This is what I woke up to this morning… a London-style pea soup fog!  I took a couple of moments to realize that the world outside my window was white, and that wasn’t a normal colour!  This was at 7am, and I fell asleep again until almost 9 when it was sunnier.  Jerry looked out the window and curled up against my legs and began to snore… He was more agitated later in the day when my support worker arrived; he greeted her at the door with a volley of barks and his little tail nub wagging hard enough to lift his legs!  Don lost his watch and spent most of the day searching for it.  It’s one he’s had for years, but it’s not super expensive or anything.  I’ve run out of possible location for it, and he’s turned pretty much everything upside down in his hunt.  After a reasonably mild afternoon, it’s turned into driving sleet with high winds and dropping temperatures.  I’m going in search of cozy socks and a new blanket, because it’s a lot more chilly than I expected.

So… funny story.  I developed a rash — chafing, looks slightly blistered and peeling.  My support worker and I first noticed it about a week or so ago, and tried using powder and a moisturizer in the hopes of helping it heal.  Then we tried a few other options, but nothing seemed to help, so I showed it to my nurse on Monday, and my doctor yesterday.  They suggested a particular skin barrier, so I went to the pharmacy today (not my regular one, but another one nearer to me) and asked the pharmacist (I had a tiny sample pack with the name of the medication).  She looked at it as though it was an alien specimen, looked around the pharmacy and concluded that she didn’t know what it was.  I asked for a substitute, and she called the other pharmacist who also had no idea of what it is… then I did a web search, and found it on Amazon.  I’m now questioning the knowledge of the staff at that location.

I had a gorgeous time today at lunch.  I finally managed to arrange a meeting with a friend who I haven’t seen in months.  It was absolutely wonderful to see her and to be able to hug each other.  She’s one of those people who just make me happy when I see them… she’s so bubbly and joyful!  We had time to share a tea while she took a short break from work (it’s fiscal year end, so insanely busy) and had a short reunion.  I practically floated home, I was just so happy to have seen her.  I’m also making plans to meet up with another friend this week, and I’m excited to see him as well.  This is one of the things I like about warmer weather — people are more likely to be available to meet, and I’m sociable enough to “recharge” from spending time with friends, and having time to laugh at nonsensical things.

The good thing is that I was able to take a short walk (minus my little dictator) and didn’t completely exhaust myself.  I’ll keep pacing myself so that I can regain strength and energy, and keep the pain at a minimum.  So the tiny monster is attacking my socks — I don’t know why he does that to me and never Don!! — which means that he thinks he’s been ignored long enough.  Good night!


  1. I so worned out from another long wonderful to read about your life journey and smile cous


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