
The snow eater passed overnight… at least, the pile that was there when I went to bed had cleared up when I woke today.  I thought you’d like to see how I spent a couple of hours this afternoon, in my role of “dog bed” — a recurring, daily role, which apparently gets some rave reviews.  My niece (evil child) laughed her head off at me getting the phone batted out of my hand by the small monster.  He’s grudgingly moved off my lap so I can write, and it warming my toes.  Don is fine; he was “watching” car racing this afternoon — honestly, that puts me instantly into a trance as it’s one of the most boring things to watch… cars driving in a line around a track.  ðŸ¥±  As much as I enjoyed playing with our Scalextric track as a child, it was more fun setting up the track in some impossible configurations than running the cars in an endless loop.  

The news was gushing about the dinner between our Prime Minister and the US President, and how it featured Alberta beef.  I read the menu and was thankful that I wasn’t there.  I think that I might have been able to eat… the tuna and squash.  Sad, I know, but at least we avoided an international incident from me refusing the meal.  I’m trying out a grocery delivery service, so I’ll provide updates after I get my stuff.  I’m conflicted about grocery deliveries as they inflate the prices over in store, add on other fees for “handling”, charge for delivery and — rubbing salt in the wound — charge a tip.  I agree that the store should make some money off this extra service, but it seems a little predatory to add 25% - 35% above in-store prices, another fee for handling (which effectively creates a 40%+ markup) and then to have the gall to charge tips in addition to a delivery fee!  I’m not a fan of routing tipping.  In my opinion, tips should be for extra service — a waiter who handles a complex order smoothly and without errors; to a chef for a particularly excellent meal; to a bartender for mixing a personal drink, etc.  I remain of the firm and unshakeable opinion that those service jobs should be paid a living wage and not rely on tips.  I’ve heard all the arguments, and the complaints, and I think that they’re exaggerated.  There really must be a better way of managing the economy than recreating an underclass of low-paid workers who are told to “work smarter” and “take another gig” and a whole symphony of voices normalizing underpaying workers and heavily compensating wealthy owners.  OK, I’m going to end my socialist rants here.

Apparently there is a rule that if someone recommends a series to you and you start watching (after they’ve been in it for a while) and you catch up, you’re not allowed to go too far ahead.  My sister-friend had suggested a series to me when she was into late season 2, and I started from behind.  It’s a series that has some of its seasons available on a free streaming service, and the others on a paid one.  We both finished the free seasons, and I did some searching and found free versions of the other series.  I told her about it, sent her the links to the free shows and continued watching… she said that I can’t get too far ahead, and now I have to wait (WEEKS!!!!) while she catches up.  I watch no more than 2 episodes of any show in a day, and right now, I’m 9 episodes ahead.  She watches 1 episode every few days… so how many shows am I allowed to sneak in while she catches up?  Or should I wait until she does?  Thoughts?

I’m going to resume my role of puppy spoiling as my knees are being butted now.  So I’ll leave you and get to work.  Good night!


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