All Souls

It’s slightly warmer today than yesterday, but that means very little, except that I was not totally frozen when I had to get to my appointment.  I only shivered most of the drive over.  At least I warmed up enough to feel comfortable on the way home.  Jerry is fully back to himself, full of vim, vigour and more energy than should be lawful!  He did not try to bury himself under me last night, which meant that I was able to get a fairly decent night’s sleep! He’s happily dozing on Don at the moment, after having a chance to run around, bark at a workman in his house and try to drag me around the parking lot.  Don also managed to get a fairly decent sleep last night — that bleeping alarm was certainly disruptive! He even slept through the sports thing last night, which I understand was a big deal, at least if the news is to be believed.  He managed to get down to the car fairly comfortably and doesn’t seem to be in any extra pain, so that’s wonderful for me.

I’m not happy to report that when I was weighed today I’ve lost even more weight, and I’m down to 118lbs.  My doctor is equally unhappy with my weight loss.  We all agree that I have a desperate need to increase my caloric intake.  We’ll skip the discussion with the dietitian who will resume her nonsense about kale smoothies, which are not options.  I definitely have to get the energy to do some cooking, or find someone from the Caribbean to feed me for a while!  Sadly, I still can’t handle spice or curry — I ate a jalapeño slice and my stomach protested! — so I’m limited.  That, I tell you, is a tragedy worthy of the Ancient Greeks!  But on a good note, the pharmacy finally delivered part of my Ensure order!  That’s a big relief!

It’s the Feast of All Souls today; the “day of the dead” when we pray for all those who have died.  Among the prayers for today is this request:  “That Thou wouldst be pleased to deliver the souls of our parents, relations, friends, and benefactors, from the pains of hell, That Thou wouldst be pleased to have mercy on those of whom no special remembrance is made on earth, We beseech Thee, hear us”  I like the reminder for us to pray for all who have gone, even people we don’t know.  When I was in Trinidad, we would go to the cemetery tonight to light candles and pray for the dead.  It was always a big deal, and there would be crowds of people there.  It’s a family story that one of my great-uncles met his wife on this night, and they always said that they met over a grave and would part the same way… they were together for almost 60 years at the time of her passing.  It was a time when there would be a number of informal reunions as people came in and saw family members or friends after years.  As teens, my church group sometimes volunteered to help clear the graves in preparation for tonight, and we’d meet there with our families.  It’s a tradition that was even more precious as this was a town with many old families who were all entwined together.  I understand that in some of the newer communities this isn’t as common, which I think is a pity.

So tonight I particularly remember my grandparents, parents and aunts and while my father’s passing is still too new, I recall so many moments with them when we were growing up.  I pray for them, and for others who have passed.  Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May they rest in peace.  May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace, Amen.  Good  night.


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