Sunset photo today; I should really also try for a moon picture, as it’s a lovely full moon tonight. Picture is from my sister, who just returned home from their visit to Trinidad with the small people. The kids fell asleep in the taxi ride, and I imagine they’re heading to bed at the moment. Jerry continues to be Mr. Cuddles, and won’t get off my lap unless I’m going to the bathroom, and he accompanies me. It’s less amusing in person than when I describe it, but there you go. Don is complaining about a pain in his shoulder, which recurs after he had a fall a couple of years ago and it tends to flare up in the cold. There’s hockey on tonight, so he’ll be happy watching his team skating around.
I’m STARVING tonight! I ate 2 sarma, which my friend had dropped off a couple days ago, so I reheated and wolfed them down. Normally that would be enough, but I was still hungry, so I had a can of Ensure, a fruit cup and some cheese and crackers. It’s nice, and I definitely haven’t eaten this much in one sitting in a long while. I also slept pretty well last night except when the dog wanted to play around 2am!
This morning I participated in a video meeting hosted by a friend on caring for your mental health. I’ve mentioned her organization before: Women Speak Up, which is celebrating its 4th year this year. The speaker (amusingly, we share the same spelling of our first name, but 2 different pronunciations) and she went through material which I’ve heard many times before (Been doing this stuff for a while) but she added her own interpretations, which was great. She touched on maintaining your mental health and a healthy outlook and gave some practical tips, like some breathing exercises. Pets, apparently, are a good way to look after yourself, and I’ve seen several studies that show that pets can help with lowering stress and reducing blood pressure… I’m glad that I was able to participate; it was a small group, which has the advantage of more personal interactions, so that’s a good thing. They organize regular activities, many of which I have to miss, which is a pity, but I’m really proud of Halcian and Rick for what they’ve managed to accomplish in the last 4 years.
My niece told me that she’s due to start work soon; vacations have begun, so she’s heading out for her first real paying job (as opposed to her several volunteer activities.) Exams are over for the term, so she’s taking a week’s break, then beginning her job. I’ve been teasing her about becoming a taxpayer since she was in kindergarten, so she rolls her eyes at me and says that I can stop now. 😝 I can’t fully believe that she’s almost 19 already…
That’s it for tonight. I think I’ll go have another fruit cup or some cookies or something; I feel rather peckish still. The dog is on my feet and glaring at me for having a full lap, but he’ll be up here soon. Good night.
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