New week

I looked out the window this afternoon and saw only swirling white!  It was snowing with a lot of enthusiasm, and looked like it was planning to settle in for the long haul, but thankfully it didn’t.  The snow lasted for about an hour, then it cleared up and we had a little sun.  I’d complain, except that it’s getting to that time and my complaints do nothing.  I have noticed, though, that it’s got suddenly quite chilly indoors and I’ve had to reach for the extra throw for warmth!  Jerry is eating at me right now — that’s where he trots off to his bowl, picks up a mouthful of dry food, runs back to me and chews it aggressively while staring at me.  He doesn’t particularly like dry food, and would much prefer to steal off my plate, but he can’t, so he shows his displeasure this way.  Don is dozing as usual on the sofa, while pretending that he’s fully awake.  Sports will be on later, so he’ll wake up and be glued to them.  He’s not too thrilled that new TV show releases aren’t out yet, as he’s now reduced to watching reality shows on people behaving like idiots in different areas.

My nurse was here today, and we were able to get rid of some of the bandages on the sores on my leg and elbow.  They’ve both healed beautifully, and my skin looks normal again.  ðŸ˜¥  I am still very hungry, which is just so great!  I’m happily planning a couple of simple, filling menus that should last for a few days, and I’m enjoying going through my books again to select some menu options.  Last night I fell asleep around 2am, but it was entirely my fault… I was deep in a really enthralling book (thanks Jules) and I kept saying, “OK, one more chapter,” until I realized that it was almost 2 and I still had about 30 chapters to go!  I finally put it down and slept uninterrupted until 8:45, but I’ve been half awake most of the day.  I’ve got an early morning appointment tomorrow so early night tonight.  I finished the book this afternoon, so it won’t distract me any more!

I was browsing Buzzfeeed the other day… I was clearly bored, and I wish I’d done something more useful… it was one of those generational differences articles, where the writer as commenting on foods that were popular in the 50s-80s.  It contained a list of more than 50 foods, and the writer was strongly disapproving and critical of everything! I kid you not.  They had nothing kind to say about meatloaf, calling it an abomination with a “weird glaze”; they called Jell-o a wobbly nightmare; they objected to the use of mayonnaise in salads (even in Cole slaw; chicken salad, etc) and blasted easy meals like egg salad, pasta salads, Sunday roasts… I’m inclined to think that the writer has led a sad and deprived life and who has probably opted to be vegan and obnoxious about it.  They waxed rhapsodic about organic foods and were brutally sarcastic at the use of things like tinned and frozen vegetables.  OK, so you have the money to buy fresh organic foods; great for you.  But rather than shame others for their food choices, how about you keep your meanness to yourself?  I don’t eat certain foods, but I don’t stop others from enjoying them and I don’t require that they stop eating it because I can’t.  I know quite a number of people who cannot or won’t eat some things (either for health or preference reasons) who also don’t oppose others eating them.  I’m reminded of  a long ago appeal from Lionel Ritchie (remember him?) who asked, “Why can’t we all just get along?”  Is there really a need to tear down others to build yourself up?  That’s just so weak and demonstrates that your point isn’t valid… if it were, it could stand without the need to crush others!

OK, I am again ravenous.  I still have a few minutes to go before I can eat because I took my meds less than an hour ago so I need to wait a bit.  I’d love to have my menus magically appear when I think of them! The little dog is glaring at me thinking that he needs more attention than he’s getting!  I’ll go prepare my plate so I can eat as soon as the timer goes off.  Good night!


  1. Sweet sleep and comfortable daily life 😴


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