
I was somewhat emotionally overwhelmed yesterday, and took the time to recover my equilibrium a bit.  I’m not fully there yet, but it’s improving.  The weather was more sunny than we expected, and it was a lovely fall day.  Right now, it’s a little overcast, and the temperature is dropping from 9C down to 5C, and it’s supposed to get much colder overnight.  Jerry is hyperactive today, and has been barking most of the day; I have no idea what’s causing that; there’s nobody in the hall where he seems to be directing his barking, nor is it particularly windy, so that’s also not a reason.  He then jumps up on a lap, burrows in, makes himself comfortable and scratches when nobody pays attention to him.  He had to get his training collar this afternoon, which he hates but that hasn’t helped calm him down.  Don was watching sports until about 2am, then he slept like a log, and was again watching sports for most of the afternoon.  If it keeps him happy, then I won’t complain, as bored as I am with the endless games.  I’m not thrilled, but tonight the clocks go back an hour, and the dark will last even longer.  So very depressing, honestly when you consider that the sun won’t rise until almost 7am, and sets at 3:30pm… really miserable time!

I was able to eat most of a frozen meal that a friend dropped off.  I’m glad I had it, as I didn’t have to cook, and it was hot and filling.  I had to argue with Jerry, who was of the opinion that anything I eat should be shared with him.  I also had a fairly solid sleep last night, from 9pm to about midnight, and again from about 3:30 to 9:15.  I wanted to stay wrapped in my cozy blanket but finally struggled awake.  I know it’s emotional stress, not anything physical, and had to do a couple other things to distract myself.

The news has opted to remind everyone that Christmas is 51 days away; but the next week is for Veterans so no Christmas music until noon until the 11.  I’ll just confess that I’m not a Mariah fan, and if I never hear her song again, it’ll suit me just fine!  I have a preference for many of the older songs — White Christmas, I’ll be home for Christmas, etc.  The most modern ones I like are from Michael BublĂ©, but not many.  I’m happy to have a number of recordings of Trinidad Parang and Christmas songs, so I can lose myself in the sounds of home as the date approaches.  Even more, I’m happy to have a recording of my BFF singing with her group and I totally enjoy listening to her.    I’m going to have to plan how to cook things I’d like and spread them over the next 7 or so weeks!

OK, it’s dinner and meds time, so I’m off to deal with those.  Jerry is trying to mooch off Don right now, so I’m safe for a few moments.  Have a good weekend, and Good night.


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