Sunday Sunday

It was fairly mild today, I was able to have the window open briefly! Nice to have some fresh air.  It’s bizarre that I can’t stay warm — how, may I ask, with no intention of being rude, do very tiny people stay warm?  I’ve lost all of my padding, and I have bones jabbing me in areas where there never were any before!  It’s so strange to be told, “well, those are your hip bones” (really?  I have those?  Where were they?) and “yeah, that’s your spine, tailbone and so on” Where did they come from, and is it possible for them to be less jabbing and sore?  Jerry doesn’t seem to mind the appearance of hip bones, as long as my lap and belly are still available to be used as either a cushion or trampoline, depending on his mood.  He was throwing his chew toy around, and how I regret buying him those ones!  They’re hard, heavy and he drops them on my toes!  I’m back in search of something softer for him to shred… I had to poke Don a couple of times today; he hadn’t moved for several hours, but it was all because of football.  He got up when my (alternate) support worker came and locked himself in the other room with the TV, but is back now glued to another football game.  He’ll be busy for the rest of the night…. I’m not allowed to speak for several hours 😝 

I was hungry this weekend.  It’s glorious.  I ate several servings of what we’d prepared on Friday, and added in some smoked salmon and cream cheese for a light snack.  I hope that people appreciate the feeling of hunger AND being able to eat!  Truly awesome.  I got a fairly decent sleep last night as well, which is all even better!  I will be talking with my nurse tomorrow about the bruises that are appearing on my lower legs and ankles.  I look like I’ve been the goal post in a football match!  I’ll ask her if there’s anything I can use to reduce the discolouration.  I think it’s related to the newfound bones everywhere that are poking into my skin…

Can anyone explain to me why North Americans are so attached to their national anthems that they play them in and out of season?  Kids’ pickup game — stop for anthem.  Game between 2 local teams — anthem.  Game between 2 teams in the same league — anthem.  I get it for events like the Olympic Games or for the PanAm Games or multinational encounters, but the Monday night hockey game?  The terribly misnamed “World Series” baseball (where only 1 country plays) — why?  CFL Grey Cup — 2 Canadian teams - why?  Is it that the athletes are so concussed and overhyped that they forget which country they’re in?  Is it an attempt to build a nationalistic spirit among spectators— who are often not standing respectfully without their hats/caps, but drinking, talking and starting a “wave” to know what’s happening?  What is it?  My second question is where do they find the performers?  One of them in a game last week mangled the lyrics of O Canada; most of them drop flat at the higher notes in the US anthem, and several carry a tune about as well as I do — on a sheet of paper in a sealed envelope!  Is it nerves?  Lack of experience?  Nepotism coming home to roost?  Could we just put an end to the anthems at every sporting event unless there are 3 or more countries participating?  That’s just my grouse… I’d never notice it if I didn’t hear them several times a night as games get underway… 

Now, a quick heads’ up… my grant application review meeting is on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week and I have an 8-hour Zoom meeting on each day, so I may not post on those nights.  It will depend on whether I have anything worth saying and the energy to do it, but I thought I’d let you know so you’re aware of what’s happening.  That’s it for tonight, I have to throw a toy before it hits my toes again!  Good night!


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