Slow day

Insert standard weather complaint here 😆  It poured yesterday afternoon, although it was fairly mild.  Somehow, damp days feel worse than dry ones, where the chill gets into your bones.  Today was sunny, by contrast, but not warm.  I’m wrapped in a blanket and trying to keep warm, since the dog is in his, “I want to go out, I need to come in” mood, and I’m tired being a doorkeeper.  He’s again spent most of his day on my lap, either on his back with his foot in my face, or sitting and blocking my view of the TV, especially at the climax of the show or approaching the reveal of the murder!  It’s deliberate on his part, I can see the look in his eyes.  I’m ashamed to admit that I missed his birthday this week — I’m going to blame my tummy.  Don ordered himself a case of chocolate pudding bowls, and is happily scarfing them down (I don’t like them; I’ll make my own, but I am not a fan of the packaged stuff).  He spent today again watching hockey, and I’m sure that there’s football or something for later.

I slept until 11 this morning… in fairness, I didn’t fall asleep until almost 2am and was woken up a couple of times by a dog who seemed to think that I was a trampoline!  In some really good news, my worker and I spent yesterday cooking some Trinidadian food, and I’ve already had a few platefuls.  My intention is to freeze half of what we cooked so I have food available.  Feels better to have food I like 😊  She had some and called it “delicious.”  I have plans to do some more cooking next week, so it should help.

I’m realizing that I haven’t been on a plane in over a year, after 4 years of not flying.  I feel the itch to hop on a flight although I am also aware of my physical limitations.  I’m wondering if my doctors will agree to a short cruise, adults only, as an option, or an all-inclusive resort or something similar… I actually saw an ad for a 2-week “staycation” with all meals and several activities (and to my undying horror) for seniors!  It’s a thought, as they promise “gourmet chef prepared meals” with carefully selected wines.  There was another for a lakefront cottage for a week for up to 10 people, but it was over $6k so it got dropped from consideration (I know, it’s not too bad when split, but the advance payment…) So yes, I’m seriously thinking of a holiday.  I’d love to go home, but it’s unseasonably hot and pouring rain frequently, so it would be a horrendous challenge for me to be able to breathe, and therefore walk or do anything.  Growl.

That’s about it.  I’m off to take my meds, and then I’ll eat something in about an hour.  Jerry is right now sulking at me from the comfort of Don’s lap, giving me baleful eyes because he’s not here.  Poor little monster puppy  Good night!


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