
I had a frankly lazy day today.  It was somewhat cloudy and chilly, but warmer than yesterday — the snow didn’t lie, and is all gone now — although you can feel the ice in the air.  Somewhat depressing, but it is November.  I woke up briefly this morning and it was dark outside, so I turned on the light to check the time… it was 6:45am!  And still dark.  It also gets very dark by 4:30pm, so either way, there’s very little actual daylight available.  Jerry liked my lazy day; he literally spent the whole day dozing on my lap with his foot in my face!  I tried pushing him off my lap, which only worked long enough for me to get to the bathroom and as soon as I sat down, he was back in my lap!  Same with phone calls… he’s now playing with Don, so I’m taking advantage of the little break!  Don didn’t sleep particularly well last night, but made up for it today.  He’s sounding like he’s congested, and has been sneezing quite a bit, so he’s keeping his distance!  

I’ve realized that if I’m overly tired, I can’t fall asleep properly.  Last night I felt very sluggish and determined to go to bed early — around 9:30 — but I lay awake until about 1am!  It’s one of those things that I need to adjust to.  I’d been falling asleep on myself yesterday afternoon and evening when I went to bed, but once there, I was suddenly ready to do a whole lot!  I’ll be trying again for a full night tonight, so we’ll see.  I ate a bit today, and I’m craving a couple of dishes which I will have to cook myself.  Why aren’t there good Trinidadian restaurants in Ottawa?  And ones that deliver?  I want some Caribbean Chinese food, and some good Creole food… I miss being able to pop into a food court and ordering coocoo, lentils and stewed chicken or pepper shrimp and Chinese noodles…  No, it’s not the same as at the restaurants in Chinatown.  I definitely live in the wrong city!

Have you ever noticed that ambient sounds can get mixed in to your dreams and your brain seems to be able to build what seems like a lengthy story around it?  I somehow had a dream this morning that I was in London hearing Big Ben toll when it was just my clock chiming 6am.  I have no difficulty with being in London, as it’s my favourite city, and when I cracked open one eye it was foggy, which reinforced the London feeling.  I have to say that dreams can be so realistic as to be unsettling.  I had one — and in it I felt like I’d had it before — in which I was worried about my job as I hadn’t been into the office for a long time (I haven’t; it’s been 6 years since I stopped working) but that didn’t stop the rising panic that I felt.  In other dreams, I’m with my mom, who’s been gone for 8 years, or with Auntie Ming and I’m interacting with them.  Once in a long while, an intrusive thought will arrive that they have passed on, but for my dream, we’re together doing things like we always did.  Sometimes it would be nice to disappear into a dream where everything is good and safe and we’re with those we love the best, wouldn’t it?

My sister and the small people are currently in Tobago; I got several photos and videos of them enjoying the sand and the ocean.  I wish that I were there myself, but I join them in my dreams.  They’re loving it, and I’m looking forward to hearing their accounts of it when they return.  Before they left last Thursday, my niece (who was feeling ill) insisted that she had to talk to Auntie Sonja so she could let me know that she felt poorly and wanted her blanket.  I told her that her blanket has special hugs from me in it, so when she wraps herself in it, she’s getting cuddles from me.  She gave me a smile, went to eat (her mom had been trying for a bit) and then snuggled into her blanket.  Auntie was a little puddle of “awww” as you can imagine!  My elder niece is settled into her university program and is fully enjoying it.  That’s another thing that makes me happy.  I miss the kids quite a bit when I’m away from them.

That’s about all for now.  I had planned to order delivery, but the item I wanted was sold out 😥 so I’ll order it tomorrow early so I’ll get it then.  Meanwhile, I’m off to find what I can eat, before the puppy realizes that there is food around!  Good night!


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