
It’s raining, it’s pouring, Don is snoring… 😴 and so is Jerry, for that matter.  They’re both relaxed, which is good, and there are tiny gentle snores coming from both of them, while there’s a baseball game being ignored.  I’ll very quietly change the channel and pretend that the game is over, what do you think?  ðŸ˜†  Jerry has assumed his normal position on my feet, where he’s keeping my toes warm and trying to steal my blanket.  I mean, it’s fairly mild (although there’s a bit of a wind from the other direction; I only know from watching some leaves skittering around)  These crocuses are from New York; ours are beginning to emerge in warmer spots, and will soon be followed by daffodils and narcissi and all the lovely spring flowers!

Last night, for reasons unknown, I didn’t manage to fall asleep until 6:30am.  It was one of those where I didn’t feel restless, but just couldn’t drop off.  That annoys me, but I’ve realized that it happens every couple of weeks at random.  I’m starting to feel tired now, but I’m also hungry, so guess the order in which things will be handled?  I was really quite hungry today and had a couple of reasonably filling meals.  I’m going to sort out supper in a bit, which may be either salmon or egg or salted cod or something like that.  We’ll see.  

I have been rereading my legends of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table.  It’s been a while since I paid any notice to them, but I’ve always loved those tales, beginning with Merlin, Uther Pendragon, Tigraine and the whole mythology of Camelot.  (Incidentally, one of my favourite movies.)  I know that he’s no longer considered to be a historical character but an amalgamation of multiples, with mystical elements included (Excalibur, the tale of Nimuë etc)  I really enjoy the concepts of equity that he is alleged to have created between knights and commoners, refuting the idea of “might is right,” institution of a code of law, and enforcing the idea that nobody is above the law.  Even with those wonderful principles, it’s unfortunate that they still had far too much pride and ingrained machismo so that they all wound up killing each other and destroying the kingdom.  There seems to be a recurrent theme in our myths and history in which hubris and ego overwhelm what would otherwise be sense!

I’m going to lose myself again in myths and legends for a while.  It makes for excellent reading and provides insight into human nature… The overlaps across cultures are really interesting and I am certain that there are some common sources that fed all of them… wouldn’t it be great to be able to travel back early enough to see how these came into being?  OK, I’ll stop meandering and go sort out my dinner… Good night!


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