
This morning started off overcast, but it’s cleared up to a sunny, mild day.  Spring is, apparently, about 10 days off, so it’s nice to have the milder weather.  Jerry is lying on his back on the sofa, with his little paws up in the air, and taking up a remarkable amount of space for a little dog!  He’s very comfortable, so I won’t disturb his dreaming.  He was on my lap for a while, curled into a ball and moved off reluctantly.  Don is up and about, feeling more like himself (I like that) He tried one of my spicy soups, and after a reaction for the heat, decided that he likes it, so now I have to share 😆 It’s ok, I keep trying to broaden his palate, so this works very well all around.

Yesterday morning I had an early appointment with one of my doctors, so I had a somewhat broken night as I was afraid of missing my alarm… I did wake up before it, but didn’t get up, and fell back asleep for 15 minutes… sigh.  Anyway, we were up and made it on time; got back home around 9:15, and I went back to bed until noon.  I needed that!  Later in the afternoon I got a call saying that I was scheduled for chemo tomorrow, and I’d have to do bloodwork today… I was a little annoyed, as I had other plans, but our timing was good, and we arrived at the lab at 10:40, I left at 10:45, and we were back home by 11:15.  Then my nurse was 2 hours late, and my support worker is MIA, so my time is less committed than I’d expected.

As you can see, I have a lovely card drawn just for me by my niece!  Tomorrow is likely to feature my nephew’s artwork 😁  They worked hard to create these for me.  My sister and I had dinner every night since Sunday, and she had lunch here today before heading to her afternoon meeting and then to the airport.  She’ll be home in a while, and the family will be happy to have her back, as I was to have a visit.  Gotta love family time!  

I feel stuffed from everything I’ve eaten in the last few days.  We had a lot of gluten (since she can’t have that at home) and loads of Asian meals with soy sauce.  I know I ate way too much the last 2 nights; my stomach felt overfilled, but I’m fine.  The food was good, the company even better, and I have more goodies in the fridge and freezer for later on when I don’t have the energy to cook.

That all being said, I’m going to make a cup of tea in a bit and rest up in preparation for tomorrow’s resumption of treatment.  It’s a new drug, so fingers crossed that it’s more successful than the last!  Jerry has just moved onto my feet, and is hoping for space on my lap, so I’d better clear some!  Good night.


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