
It rained a lot today, and the temperature is dropping.  The forecast calls for snow tonight, which is not happy news for me.  I’m tired of cold and snow and winter in general, although this one has been mild by Ottawa standards.  Jerry is rearranging the blanket around my feet and getting settled down for a nap.  He was lying on Don until a few seconds ago but apparently thought I looked lonely or something 😆 Don is set up to watch his sports, after a day of bingeing true crime documentaries, which are beginning to all seem the same to me.  He’s in prime position, lying on the sofa, with his head comfortably on the arm and stretched out with his eyes closed.  I know, and I won’t play with the remote either 😆

I slept quite well last night, and actually slept in this morning.  I woke up once during the night and it took about an hour to fall back asleep, and when I woke up this morning I was too warm and comfortable to move, so I just dozed off again.  I ate a bit, mostly some of my frozen meals, as Don is complaining that the freezer is too full and things jump out at him.  (I commented that they don’t jump out at me, so he must be scaring them or something.)  I had some soup tonight because it’s getting chilly and I wanted to warm up faster.

The clocks change tonight.  It’s past the stage where this has any utility whatsoever, so it should be stopped.  I think we should pick a time and stay with it year round.  The loss of an hour in spring makes everyone needlessly crabby for several days, plus there’s an increase in medical situations.  Then there’s the hassle in autumn when we change back… it’s really pointless.  The one manually adjusted clock I have remains on summer time as it’s too much of a hassle to take it down, change the time and then ensure that the chimes are set correctly.  I’ll change the batteries this week, most likely, but that’s all.

My surprise visitor arrives tomorrow, and I’m excited.  You will just have to wait to know who it is.  Not a whole lot otherwise, so I’ll return to my book/games/email, and say Good night!


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