
I’m not really grumpy, it’s just… well, I’ll explain below.  Another day where the temperature flirted with moving above zero, but with a coyness that would make a Victorian heroine blush!  I’m so eager for spring temperatures, hovering between 10 - 15C, with flowers popping up… I’ll probably regret this when the humidity moves in!  Jerry is temporarily not speaking with me today.  I have ONE sore spot on my tummy, and that’s where he tends to plunk his little 10lb self!  I threw him off because he was causing me pain, so he took himself to the sofa and is sending me recriminating glares when his back isn’t turned to me.  Don is playing on his computer, in preparation for his game later… although I think his team is now officially eliminated from the playoffs.  I won’t say anything, because apparently hockey is not “just a game.”  (I said that once and thought I’d stepped on a land mine!)

My sleep is good, my appetite is decent and I’ve been sorting through various cupboards to try and create some space and toss expired foodstuffs.  We didn’t have any days below -20 this winter, so my annual freezer defrosting exercise didn’t happen, and right now the food and the ice are competing for space.  Don took his life (and his stomach) in his hands and said that I shouldn’t add anything more to the freezer, as it’s overstuffed and “things jump out” at him, so I may hold him to that and not buy anything until I’ve eaten some more of the food that’s there.  That also means that his favourites won’t be restocked either, so I am planning several “I told you so” moments! 😈

As for the grump… I was reminded that it’s tax season.  And my 20% off coupon for the online filing system expires TODAY so I had to do a rapid filling in of forms so I could pay for the stupid thing, and I’ll have to go back and enter accurate numbers later.  It’s depressing, because the first pass shows that I owe the CRA over $2,500!!  Nothing perks up your afternoon like hearing that you have to PAY extra on your taxes at the end of the year.  I like it when the government says, “oops, we took too much, this is yours!”  To my dear economist friends— could you please explain to me in words of fewer than 3 syllables why a flat tax system doesn’t work?  Straight 15% or whatever off the top, automatically deducted at source, and then pretend that I don’t exist anymore for the purposes of accounts receivable.  Anyway, I’m muttering unkind things about having to pay extra, while I’m thankful that I am able to pay taxes and that I live in a country where the social support system is fairly robust.  Not getting into any political discussions on how “Canada is broken” and it’s the Prime Minister’s fault that it rained in Ottawa but not in Yellowknife.  

In other news, one of my friends mentioned that she’s struggling because it’s Easter and there are chocolates everywhere and she’s trying to avoid them.  I can never understand why people deny themselves cocoa, which is literally named “theobroma” or “food of the gods.”  Unless you’re one of those unfortunate souls who are allergic, I strongly recommend eating chocolate and enjoying it.  But the good stuff, not the waxy “cocoa flavoured” ick that proliferates in far too many places.  I’m a little bit of a chocolate snob, but I’m not apologizing for that… life’s too short to eat bad chocolate, drink poor wine, or otherwise punish yourself for enjoying food and drink.  Speaking of which, I’m overdue a trip to Belgium to get my stash!

I’m beginning to get hungry, which is always a good sign these days.  I’m not sure yet what’s on the menu, but I’ll work out something.  Good night!


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