
It’s March, and spring isn’t far off!  In fact, all of next week our temperatures are set to be above 0, trending to nice and warm!  While that’s comfortable, it’s also worrisome, as there’s a light snowpack here which will affect the growing season, and I’m worried that we’ll have higher food prices this summer as a result.  I haven’t heard yet about the maple syrup season, but it’s also likely to be poor… so many things depend on us having a deep snowpack at this time of year.  Jerry is annoyed with me because there are people in his house and he’s not allowed to check them out in person (the requirement is that all pets have to be kept away from nurses/workers, technically including my regular worker who plays with him when she’s here)  He’s been yipping at the door and communicating his irritation.  Don had a rough day today; his breathing was giving him some difficulty and he spent most of the day recovering from an attack this morning.  I’ll just comment that people who get small kids hooked on tobacco should probably be poked by demons for a long while!  

I did my scan last night, so that’s done and now we wait.  It went smoothly, and I was very relieved to get help to find a wheelchair porter when I arrived.  I was going to try to walk to the radiology unit, but I couldn’t, an intern saw me and called for help.  I was also surprised that both porters — the one who took me up and the one who brought me back — were Bosnian.  We had a good laugh about that.  Then I texted my sister-friend (who is currently in Bosnia) to let her know that her countrymen were caring for me.  I’m hungry again today, which is good, except that now I’m going to have to work on meal prep again… I’m running low on my frozen, premade meals.  It’s ok, I’ll figure out something.

I was listening to a news item where the speaker (who is quite well known and notorious for controversial opinions) complaining about a litany of items.  The more I listened, the more I thought that he’s just trying to stir up reactions and that he’s fixed in an imaginary world where his tastes are the only ones that matter.   I feel sorry for him because he’s railing against the inevitable.  It’s distressing that people with large followings spew so much misinformation, hate and anger.  Without going into too much detail, I’ll just say that it’s sad that some people want to diminish and destroy others because their views are no longer dominant.  As has been said many times, equity is not pie.  Instead, recognizing the rights of one group does not eliminate those of another.  In fact, everyone benefits when we drop the artificial barriers.  

My little dictator wants to eat my sandwich, and has been leaning on my leg while I ate.  He’s more annoyed that he got none, and when I finished, he jumped on my lap to sniff me and search for crumbs!  Don was laughing at me trying to escape from Jerry… I’m going to make a cup of something hot and watch some old movie or something.  Good night!


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