Spring sprung

Spring is sprung, the grass is riz.
I wonder where the birdies is.
They say the birdies on the wing, but that’s absurd.
I always thought the wing was on the bird.

OK, there’s your silly springtime rhyme to start you off!  I will just note in passing, though, that it’s currently hovering around the freezing mark and there are little while specks falling out of the sky, so wherever the birdies are, I hope they’re warm and dry!  The tiny dictator was disturbed this morning by the monthly fire alarm test, and he sang along with the alarm but was shaking badly from nerves.  He then spent over an hour on my lap needing to be “soothed” from the trauma of the noise.  I’m trying to explain to him that I am not a trampoline, but he just wags his stump at me and cuddles harder.  Don is good, and in charge of tonight’s supper, so I wait to see what he’s decided!  He’s grumbling that we’re out of shows to watch since he decided to binge all the stuff on the PVR, so he’s out of new programming.  I’m not sympathetic, since I have my shows to watch and I keep them for times like this when everything else is done… but he’s not a fan of science fiction, timey-wimey, seek out new life and civilizations type shows!

I did not want to wake up this morning… I fell into a deep and comfortable sleep last night, and woke up reluctantly around 8am, rolled over and drifted back into sleep until I dragged myself out at 10:30 to prepare for the nurse.  I had some of the frozen Chinese that my sister had brought me for lunch, then I had a sandwich and now I am getting hungry again.  All good!  I’d asked the nurse to check an area that I can’t see (since I don’t have a 360 view of my body, which is probably a good thing as I’d be depressed to see all of it!  Another rant for a different day)  and she said that it’s a blister, so it’s been cleaned and treated.  I’ll just note that the bandage is in an awkward, not-too-comfortable place, and I’ll be thrilled when it’s removed next week!

I’ve been challenged to write a whodunit by a friend of mine.  She’d written an excellent story, but didn’t finish the murder mystery, so when I asked about it, she invited me to write something.  That is a fun idea, and I think I’ll undertake it.  You may (or may not; it’s entirely up to you) read it when complete and point out all my errors and anachronisms — no AI help is allowed!!  This is to be all human-inspired and human driven.  Frankly, IMHO, until AI can generate a good crochet pattern, it’s not reliable.  Yes, for a certified nerd I have some Luddite tendencies, and I am not ashamed to admit that.  It’s part of the whole human experience to have contradictions in your personality.  Life would be boring if we were all the same and were homogeneous in our personalities.  It’s the quirks that add “pop” to the enjoyment of life!

Ooh, dinner just arrived, so I’m off to get mine while there’s still some to get!  There’s a tiny dog pacing and licking his lips, so… Good night!


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