Birthday season!

It’s a big day for birthdays today.  First off is Don, who’s celebrating his 82nd.  Then there’s my #2 son, Daryn, who is turning 28.  (I don’t know where those years went.  But he remains my baby no matter how old he gets!) And my dear friends Neil and Paul, who are of indeterminate ages that I won’t disclose here.  I wish all of them a very happy day and years ahead, and that they continue to experience good and happy times. 

My friend offered to take me out for a drive and we went to collect Don’s cake, taking a short detour through the Fletcher wildlife area, which I didn’t even know existed although it’s not far from me!  It was a lovely day, and we had a nice time.  I hadn’t seen her since before the pandemic, so it was even nicer to catch up!  Jerry somehow knew that I was planning to go out, and was shadowing me since I woke up this morning!  I have no idea how he figured that I was planning to go anywhere, since I didn’t say anything until I was ready to leave, but I was under extra surveillance from the time he woke me up!  We did get Don’s cake, and ordered in dinner, and had a nice evening.  

I’m amused by some of the emails that I got from you guys.  For the record, I spend about half an hour every day writing this blog usually between 7-8pm and I set it to auto-upload by 10:30 or so, after I’ve gone to bed.  I don’t review or edit after I’ve written, it’s posted directly.  While I’ve been encouraged to turn this into a book, I haven’t done a lot partly because there’s no easy way to download and review the blog entries.  I’d have to do them individually, which is a lot more work than I really am interested in doing, plus I don’t have a clear theme for my entries, as they depend on what’s in my mind on any given day.  I had considered doing a list of topics, but I can’t really write such a list easily.  If anyone has an app that will let me download, in a readable form, the blog entries, I’d love to know.  I would like to clean up and compile the texts in a coherent form.

Otherwise, I’m heading in now.  I’m a little tired, in part because of my very fun outing today.  I’ll try getting some good sleep tonight!  Good night all


  1. God bless You kind sir ,Ha appy Birthday enjoy dance and toast.


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