Friends Day

This was from a couple days ago with my “kidnapping” 😆 I just thought it was a lovely view with all the willows.  Jerry is having his dinner now and he’s eating at me — he takes a mouthful of his dry dog food and comes to stand near me to crunch it as loudly as he can, as if to say that he’s forced to eat this dry stuff where’s the good food?  He’s got a lot of personality for such a tiny dictator.  But that’s probably why he’s dictator 😂. Don’s complaining of pain in his feet again, so I don’t know if it’s his gout or something else.  I hope that he feels better soon.

According to an email I received today, it’s “International friends’ day.”  (I don’t know if it’s internationally celebrated, or for international friends, but we’ll take it.). The email encouraged me to create a “circle of support” comprised, I suppose, of my international friends.  More seriously, it’s a day for cancer patients to be able to strengthen their supports of friends and family as having a strong network is a factor in recovery and survival for patients.  These circles comprise medical, non-medical and technical staff at the hospital or from home care / other medical organizations, and the latter group is easily the more necessary for stability.  Then there are family and friends, who are crucial.  I know that mine are.  You keep me balanced when I’m freaking out, and you give me a boost when I’m ready to give up.

I hoped to have a better tale to share, but apart from thanking all my supporters I’m out.  It doesn’t help that I’m dozing off, so I’m going in.  Good night!


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