
It’s been another hot day today, and it’s hard to breathe because of the humidity.  It’s not fun, nor is the fact that my back just keeps on aching which is beyond annoying.  I don’t like to keep griping about it, and I promise that I won’t keep focussing on it!  My tiny dictator and caretaker has been in his usual position, and is right now “patrolling” to see what mischief he can get into.  He’s doing his usual lap transferring, and will be trying to push the iPad off my lap and replace it with his little self.  Happily, Don is feeling a bit better today so I’m relieved.  The pup is now playing with his little squirrel doll and tossing it in the air.

I think that I’m probably getting old and crotchety, because I keep rolling my eyes at a lot of commercials.  I’m sticking with my resolution to avoid watching the news for a while because it’s so full of all kinds of stories that just make me upset… I won’t even mention them because, well, obvious reasons!  In the meanwhile, we’ve been catching up on shows that we recorded on PVR over the last few months.  There’s about 70 hours of recorded shows going back two years… no judging!  I love being able to skip the commercials, and I’m less inclined to watch live TV for that reason.  Ads seem to cycle through a set of cars, drugs, fast food, weight loss programs, personal injury lawyers, insurance, laundry detergent, gaming sites, food delivery and meal packages, etc… so skipping them is great! I understand that life can get very busy and time is always a premium, so finding ways to save time and money are important.  But really, an ad that suggests that cavemen could order a meal kit, and poke fun at the ones who don’t, is dreadful.  Not the ordering of the kit, but the sneering treatment which is disgraceful… I mean, it costs nothing to be kind, even in an ad!  And other ads that have random people asking “Do you take <drug>?” with no reference to the ailment that it’s supposed to treat — I suppose that they get a point for saying “Ask your doctor if <drug> is right for you,” which should include reference to the condition.  Car ads that show a kid wetting his pants because his parents don’t ensure that he uses the washroom before going out… “Kevin” will have a difficult time living down his reputation as that kid!  Also hard on him.  Even more annoying are pop up ads when streaming videos.  Every 2 minutes!  Amazon— with which I have a love-hate relationship— shows ads in Prime video!  I do not believe they need the money especially after charging a subscription fee.  We pay to avoid ads… but then, that was a selling point for cable back in the day.

Like I said, crotchety.  I watch some of the ads if I’m stuck and my reaction is to have my eyes roll in annoyance.  I do wonder about the agencies and the people who create these commercials (for the record, I don’t use any of the products in those ads and in some cases I’ll deliberately avoid purchasing them)  It’s my aging that’s doing this, I’m sure.  What kind of ads would I like?  Well, those that feature the product, highlighting its features while not insulting others or hyping something as if it were for general use when it’s not (specifically drugs.)  And I’m sure that T will remind me that it’s up to the consumer to choose what they want, and companies want to make money, so I should take my curmudgeonly grumbles and pack them up 😝 or else keep my nose in my books where I won’t be disturbed by ads.  (And that’s true too!)

I’ll take myself off to bed, and I hope that tomorrow is pain free so I’ll be more cheerful with my posts.  Good night!


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