
It’s a little cooler today than yesterday after an overnight thunderstorm.  Thankfully, we weren’t affected, although watching the news today it seems that the storm was quite destructive in areas to the west of us, leaving destroyed homes, downed trees and people without power.  I see these storms, which are powerful and destructive, as evidence of climate change, although I know that there are people who argue that “the climate changed before humans, so there’s no reason to believe that humans have changed the climate.”  None so blind as who will not see. #offsoapbox 😉. I’m negotiating with Jerry to be allowed to type this; he’s of the view that he needs to be petted or at least touching a person pretty much full time.  Don is currently cooking some beef for his supper, and the tiny monster is letting me know that he’s a neglected and starving puppy who needs petting.

So after having a wonderful time with historical recipes (which I’m still enjoying, thanks) and I started writing a to-do list.  I was appalled by my handwriting.  It looked like a drunken spider had fallen into the ink and staggered across the paper dancing a flamenco.  So I whipped out my calligraphy handbook and a notepad, and spent some time doing some primary school penmanship exercises to try to adjust it back to legible, since I’m not about to go to medical school.  I realized that I need to pay close attention and write more slowly to keep the letters well-formed and my writing clear.  It’s only partly vanity that’s driving this activity.  Another part is that it’s an exercise in fine motor control and it’s kind of a way for me to manage the tremors that I still have from time to time in my hands when I’m tired.  Finally, I need to add some more recipes to the family recipe journal that I started over a year ago.  

The book itself was a gift from my cousins in Charlottesville, Virginia (USA) and we all agreed to share some of our favourite recipes.  I’ve promised a copy to my niece once I’ve got them all done so she’d have notes for her future reference.  The first recipe that I wrote was my mom’s specialty which remains in demand, although today also marks 7 years since her passing.  One of her friends recently asked me to make it for her on my next trip home, because she really likes it. There are other familial gems in there, from my older sister’s (who is a non-cook) “signature” coconut cream tart, to my brother’s “famous” burger sauces, and my aunt’s and grandmother’s Christmas recipes.  Why, you ask, am I spending time on reading historical recipes when I have this (self-imposed) task to document my family’s favourite recipes? Because, as I mentioned, my handwriting is dreadful and I need to improve it before I ruin the book!  So I’ll work on my writing, and meanwhile I’ll enjoy my vicarious menus 🙃

Good night all.  I hope that your find things to do that you enjoy.


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