
It’s been a beautiful sunny day today. I was out for a short stroll around the block (annoyingly, still pretty much my limit for a walk at one stretch!!  With rest, I can do longer, but the rule is to walk half as far as my greatest extent, and that isn’t increasing anywhere near as much as I’d like!!). I feel more like myself today, for which I am happy, as the little Sad Sack cloud that was hanging over me is not at ALL comfortable!  My little dictator is pleased with me, and is of the view that if the apartment door opens he needs to get out and boss everyone in sight!  It’s worse if he hears the jingle of keys, because not only is he convinced that somebody is going somewhere (and therefore he needs to go with them!) but that when leaving the house you should do a check for “phone, keys, ID and puppy!” Don is again glued to the never ending baseball game, so all is as it should be!

Thanks everyone for your messages of encouragement.  I’m certain that they had a large role in helping to restore my equilibrium and my positive outlook.  And thanks for the book recommendations.  I now have several suggestions to explore!  It’s always good to have a “to be read” list that will occupy at least 6 months!  When searching for books, I start with the library, then local bookstores (although there are fewer and fewer of those over time!) and then online sellers.   I think that I’ll have to add second hand stores to that list, after library and before bookstores! I got an email promoting a sale of old library books, and that seems like a brilliant way to spend a day (and some money) even at the expense of a painful back.  (Books beat pain.  The difficulty is finding shelf space for my newly acquired treasures!)

I’m heading in to get some sleep now, as I have a crack-o’dawn appointment tomorrow.  In some ways, I prefer having the first appointment of the day as it lets me have the whole day free to do stuff (like grocery shopping! Woo?) So good night and sweet dreams!


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