
Sigh… so my nurse was here today, and when he changed my PICC dressing, we found that I’d bled a little.  I’m trying to think of when and where I might have done something to strain my arm and cause the bleeding… we were half joking that it must have been shortly after the cause of my back pain (it’s been over a week, and a changed dressing, since the pain in my back, so the two can’t be directly related.). Then about an hour after he left, I reached over to pick up a glass of water, and there was a shooting pain up my side, and I’ve been waiting impatiently since then for my pain meds to kick in!!  Don was complaining of pain also — triggered by his epic grocery trip and assorted other activities — and he’s walking like an elderly man today: very unsteadily and with difficulty.  Jerry has decided that he must be petted at all times, and he noses his way onto laps if more than 5 minutes has elapsed since he got down!  So I’m on a timer 😂 

I had a conversation with someone today and I teased her about a purchase that she’d made some years ago of some craft items that she intended to paint… it’s been over 10 years, and they’re still unpainted (and the paint has dried and cracked from age) so they’re not likely to be done any time soon.  Another friend recently said that he’d found several new shirts (with tags on) that he’d forgotten… I’m also guilty of buying stuff that winds up being packed somewhere in a cupboard and neglected for a long time.  It’s a bad habit that’s really easy to fall into.  Then as time passes we either toss out the items or put them in a donation bin; in some cases, we resell them to recoup a fraction of our spending.  

I mention this, not to cause guilt or anything, but because I got a gift card and I was looking at using it to buy something online, only to come to the realization that there’s very little that I actually need and when I tried talking myself into an indulgence, I found that I have a lot of stuff that’s still in its original wrapping and I haven’t progressed to using them yet.  I know that I can donate or resell these items, but I haven’t fully yielded hope of using them.  (I claim the right to be as delusional as I’d like.  Nothing to see here.). I will encounter them at random moments and think, “Oh, right!  I meant to do something with that!”  then move them to my end table where I sit so I can see it and (hopefully) work on it.  All that meant was that things were moved into another basket as the table overflowed… 

I will again try to make a dent in my ever-growing list of potential projects, and gradually cross them off my list, so I can make room for the other projects that I have in mind!  The pain means that I’m putting some of them on hold until I feel better, but I’ll just work my way through some of the books that I’ve stacked up and perhaps consider a few lighter activities.  But for now, I’ll pet the dictator and head in to sleep.  Good night!


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