It was a hot day again, but there has been a lovely cooling breeze that wanders through every so often, making it more comfortable. Don, though, had a lot of difficulty with the humidity and wasn’t able to breathe comfortably.  My support worker was here today, so Jerry was most annoyed at the invasion of his space!  He let us all know that he didn’t approve — although she has taken him out with me for a short walk, and he was ok with her, until we returned to the apartment and he let us know that it was not OK to have a woman come in!  He’s too funny with his little puppy moods; I know, he’s almost 7 so should be considered a “grown up” dog and not a puppy, but he has so much leftover puppy energy (thankfully) making it hard to remember.  The day-old birthday boy is now glued to a sport thing, so I’m free to get into mischief, as long as I don’t interfere with the TV.  Most frustratingly, my back is spasming again, and I’m having a challenging time finding a comfortable position 😖

When my support worker was here, she helped me unload the dishwasher and she exclaimed, “We have the same dishes!” It’s nice to find people who have the same taste as you do, isn’t it?  My happy flash ended when she told me that her grandmother had the same set of serving dishes as I do, because I felt old, until I reminded myself that I like my dishes, and that just meant that they were classic (leave me in my happy deluded bubble, please) Over the years, I’ve occasionally had a flash of wanting to replace all of my dishes, but I haven’t, so I’ve had these dishes during most of my tenure in Canada.  I did have another set, which lasted a few years, then in a moment of clumsiness, I accidentally broke 3 plates (of a 4-place set), so I replaced them with the ones I have now.  I don’t have matching place settings, but I’m of the view that good company and good food are more important than matching plates!  Feel free to disagree, but I’ve turned off my hearing aid on disagreements 🤭 I’ll admit that I like it when I meet someone who has something that I also have — like a blanket, or dishes, or even a vacuum!  Silly, isn’t it?  But it’s a form of connecting, and I absolutely love it when I find connections with others.

OK, my back is winning this struggle.  Gotta lie down.  Good night!


  1. LOL. Grandma's stuff is probably expensive vintage highly desired by collectors.


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