Back home

The weather is beautiful for the last few days; sunny and warm, which is just lovely and a bit of a breeze.  I’m pleased that it’s warm and comfortable and no real need for for sweaters or shawls or anything of the sort.  Jerry has not let me out of his sight at all since last night; he’s been on my lap, wagging his tiny stump and wriggling to sprawl across my belly.  He’s been trying to type while I’m typing, so that makes for some interesting edits!  Don is doing well, not complaining about any pain, which is fabulous because I was a little worried about him while I was away.  They seem to have taken reasonable care of themselves, although there’s a lot of stuff to do still, but I’m taking a break and it will get done over time.  I have no idea what sports he’s been watching, but I just left it for a while; it will be sorted out eventually.

I have to apologize for a week’s silence.  That cold and cough just knocked me out completely.  I fell asleep early every night, woke up as late as possible, tried to breathe — which was difficult- and tried to eat.  My sister made sure to shove food into my mouth at every opportunity and I was heavily medicated to be able to function.  I tried to update, but was unable to think clearly enough to say anything coherent.  I travelled back yesterday, with the noble intention of doing an early update on the train, but instead I dozed off and was groggy; I got home and crawled into bed and fell fast asleep.  I still have the cough, annoyingly, but it’s somewhat better than it was.  During the day, I went downstairs, had a lie down on the sofa and slept.  I dragged myself to bed around 6pm nightly, and dozed off.  I’m slowly improving and should be back to my normal schedule.

The baptism was lovely; it was just us and the priest, Fr. Rico who was remarkably good with the children.  He explained what was happening, was very patient, and the kids just peppered him with questions (they’re like tiny machine guns with questions and barely breathe after asking one and starting on the next!). After the service, we went for chocolate (my required outing when in the area) and back home.  That was Saturday. On the Sunday, my friend Stephanie dropped by and we went for dessert and coffee and a catch up (I wasn’t allowed out without first answering about 100 questions, though!). It was lovely to see her and to have a chance to discuss life, the universe and everything.  But when I got back home, I went to bed.  I needed a rest — that was my “One big thing” of the day.  Monday was a day of rest, Tuesday led to some challenges getting ready to catch the train, and we were debating whether I should stay a few more days.  Ultimately I decided to return home, which was surprisingly easier than the trip out.  Don picked me up from the station and we came home and I went to bed.  Today I feel a little better, thankfully.  My awesome doctor has decided to delay tomorrow’s treatment for a week to give me a chance to recuperate, so that’s very helpful!

We’re all a little disappointed that I wasn’t able to finish all the crochet clothes I had intended to make, so there’s material waiting on my return to complete those projects!  My nephew, when he was told that I was leaving, just asked, “When are you coming back Auntie?” (So sweet) and my niece wasn’t happy that I was leaving either.  It’s so nice to feel wanted, isn’t it?

That’s about it; I am sorry for causing so much worry, but I really needed the break.  I’ll try to be more regular in the future.  Good night!


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