Late September

It persists in being cooler; autumn is definitely here.  The trees are starting to change colours, too which I’d overlooked until it sank in that we’re almost in October so it makes sense that they’re gold instead of green.  It’s about 13 overnight, which makes it comfortable to sleep.  Jerry has suddenly become subject to separation anxiety.  I have no idea what’s triggered it, but any phone call makes him start barking and he runs to the door to growl.  I’m running out of ideas as to why he’s doing this and how to correct it.  Don is continuing well; he doesn’t seem to have any additional pain, which is very comforting.  He still is limited in how far he can walk, but he seems to be reasonably ok.  I’m happy about that, as you can imagine.

I’m still feeling weak and shaky, which is unsurprising given my iron levels.  I’ve been sleeping quite a bit, although I passed a nuit blanche (I liked the definition of nuit blanche and nuit bleu and I often wonder if there’s a nuit rouge) and I never fell asleep until about 5am, although I didn’t feel tired.  A friend of mine dropped off some homemade pita, which I’ve been nibbling since it arrived.  I’ve eaten more than I expected, which is a good thing.  I woke up this morning craving a milkshake, which is very unusual.  I haven’t had one in years, and I honestly never thought about them.  Until about 4am when I thought I’d like a chocolate milkshake.  But I couldn’t think of where to get one (still can’t) so if anyone has any suggestions, I’d appreciate that.

I’m not up to doing too much, so I’m just trying to boost some of my energy.  Eating (and CBD oil) seem to help, as does taking frequent naps.  Here’s hoping that I can feel more like myself soon.  Good night.


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