Mixed news

Ah, Google… I’ve lost access to my photos again, no idea why it does this.  Temperature has dropped so it’s almost chilly and I have to break out my sweater again.  I’m lost in one of them, it’s so large on me!  Jerry is busy being snuggly and affectionate, and spent a good hour snoring on my lap while I was trying to watch a show.  Don seems to be reasonably ok, not in extreme pain, so that’s good.

My cough stopped for a couple of days, which was great, then last night I couldn’t stop coughing until almost 4am!  Then, of course, I couldn’t wake up this morning… I’ll try an earlier night tonight and see if that helps.  My CT scan was on Monday, and I saw my oncologist yesterday.  The preliminary report shows that things are fairly stable (DG) with a little shrinkage. We’re waiting for the formal report, but the first look is optimistic.  Many thanks for all the prayers as ever!  They continue to work.  On the less good side, my hemoglobin is low again, which explains why I feel so weak and shaky.  I had to use a wheelchair yesterday, which is not usual for me, but I really felt like I would faint without it.  I struggle to open the fire door in the garage, and I’m literally out of breath walking from the kitchen to the bedroom.  It’s dreadful.  The nurse was here today and she confirmed a low blood pressure and high pulse, both of which we don’t like.  We’ll see what the next steps are.  

That’s it for now; I’m feeling totally wiped, but I did eat (ordered a teriyaki chicken meal) and have some for tomorrow, plus a friend has offered to drop off a meal tomorrow, so that will be great.  Until then, Good night.


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