Holiday day 16

The weather has improved over the last couple of days, and it’s warm enough that I don’t need the sweaters any more, which is nice.  I was also able to ditch the cozy socks, so my toes are happy to be free again.  Silly things that make me happy, I know.  My sister’s dog has a strong attraction for my toes, and he jumps on me as soon as I move… he’s got this habit of running up to me when I’m walking downstairs, which is unsafe for everyone.  Jerry is at least wagging his tail when he hears my voice, so there’s some progress in that area, at least!  Don has been on his own for 3 weeks now and I’m absolutely certain that he’s been glued to US politics and sports, and that he’s probably been ordering every possible cake/pie/sweet thing that he can possibly find!  It will stop when I get back home, sadly, and he’ll have to eat “real” food again… don’t tell him, ok?

So yesterday I dragged myself out of bed, only because my room is also my sister’s home office and I can’t be in there when she’s doing video conferences.  I went downstairs, had my tea and juice and collapsed onto the sofa where I slept all day.  Literally all day.  I clearly needed it, as when I went to bed I was out like a light again.  Today I feel more alert and ate more than yesterday (which is not an accomplishment; yesterday I had half a chicken sandwich and about a half-class of chicken broth plus several glasses of water and Boost)  Today I didn’t need a nap, haven’t been coughing, continued no fever, no sneezing or sniffles.  However, I don’t have a voice today so I’ve been perforce very quiet.  Happy to report that when we did the dressing change last night, my blood decided to show up as scheduled.  We don’t know why it wouldn’t last week, but the nurse suggested that I may have been dehydrated, so we’ll work on that.

Here’s the sweater that I made for my nephew’s “baby.”  He’s happy with it, and has been dressing and undressing the doll since he got it.  My little slavemasters have produced another list of demands for me to make… I’d certainly never have empty hands if I were here longer!  Now I need to make a hat for this doll, fix the shoes of another doll, repair the clasp on a bag, and learn how to make pants.  As soon as one item is done, 2 more appear on the list.

So my nephew decided to announce to everyone within hearing range that “Auntie Sonja is a troublemaker!” accompanied by his trademark mischievous smile.  His mom said, “you’re a troublemaker” and he just grinned and repeated that I was.  My niece came in from school and I stopped the show I was watching as it’s definitely not child appropriate.  She wants to watch it, and I explained that it’s scary — she says that she doesn’t get scared.  So I changed shows to something else and she plopped down on my lap to watch it with me.  Her mom says that she wants to watch a show with me and I’m happy to do that, I just need to ensure that I’m not going to contribute to nightmares and crying sessions. 

I will confess that my brain is turning to mush from the children’s programming that they like.  Right now Peppa Pig is the favourite and I find it tedious, to say the least (and poorly animated)  At least they’ve mostly outgrown Cocomelon and The Wiggles, so there are small compensations!  Today is ballet, so they’ll be home soon to fill me in on the class — it’s my nephew’s first class, and he was quite excited to go.  My niece has been going for over a year and loves it.  I’ll get some more water and rest up before the invasion!  Good night


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