Holiday day 7

The little photo app gremlins are back at work, and I can’t access my pictures.  So, sadly, no images of lush gardens to share!  It was a beautiful day today, slight autumnal coolness in the air this morning, but it was pleasantly warm.  Definite shorts-and-tshirt weather and a lovely day to return to school.  I spoke with my boys this morning, and the tiny dictator acknowledged my presence by wagging his little nub of a tail, but he still refused to look at the camera, just rolled on his back and tried to knock the phone out of Don’s hand!  Don looks like his normal self, and seems to have a bit more energy, which I always like, so that was a good start to the day!

I was awake at 7am because it’s the first day of school and the morning volume was unusually high 😝 I did sleep quite well, although that is far too early for me to be out of bed… I don’t remember how I used to manage to be awake, functioning and in the office by 7:30 regularly!  Honestly!  I had some of the left overs from the other night; they were as good as the first time.  Delicious!  Although I was sluggish for a large part of the day.  I slept this afternoon from shortly after 2 until 5, with a brief period of welcoming home the children who were wound up after their day.  Gradually waking up now, and feeling more like myself.

We did a photo session this morning to document The Return 😆 with 2 very excited little people.  My niece announced to the entire neighbourhood that she’s becoming a SK (senior kindergarten student) and my nephew was having a session of the wriggles — and dancing all over.  It took a while to calm him down long enough to get a photo where he was standing still, looking at the camera and smiling all at once!  He announced before breakfast that he was nervous, and we’re trying to figure out where and how he learned that word!  My niece was transparently excited and was jumping around.  She doubly excited because she no longer needs a booster seat to sit at the table, and is proudly telling everyone that she’s sitting on a grown up chair like a big girl!

Tomorrow my sister and our friend are going to Niagara for a drive; we hope his mother will come with us as she’s in danger of becoming reclusive.  She’s in her late 80s, and is hesitant about walking, even in the house.  Fingers crossed that she decides to come; it would be fun.  We’re trying to arrange a visit with one of the aunts, and that’s proving to be challenging!  We’ll get it sorted out.  OK, I’ve got to stop to eat some cotton candy (haven’t had that in absolute ages, and I am remembering why!) because my nephew is insistent that I share his, so off I go!  Good night!


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