Holiday day 14

It rained quite a bit yesterday and last night; I woke up to hear rain pattering on the roof and the wind in the trees.  Today was sunny and cool, which was quite nice although it was too chilly to be outdoors for me unless I was wrapped up and blanketed.  The boys continue to do well, I’m happy to report.  We talk a lot, and text even more, so I’m relieved that he’s doing well, although I’m not certain that he’s eating properly because he dodges my questions when I ask what he’s been eating.  The tiny dictator has not destroyed my cushions so I know he’s not totally furious at me and I’ll be forgiven for running off and leaving him.  I’m not deprived of puppy companionship as my sister has a small dog which is determined to make me trip… he attacks my toes as soon as he sees me.

I’m sorry to report that I’ve been sick since yesterday.  I started off sneezing, sniffling, with a thickly throat, and I could not get warm at all.  I had to get an extra blanket last night since I felt so cold!  This morning I felt like I’d been hit by a steamroller, and didn’t want to eat much, so I drank a lot of liquids.  I feel human again this afternoon, and I’m hoping that this is a temporary thing that will now go away quietly and let me enjoy the rest of my holiday!  My sister made a really nice soup, which was also perfectly hot, and that made me feel so much better.  I’ll keep everyone updated on how things go, but I’m sure that I’ll be fine.

The rainbow dress is done, and comes with a beret.  My niece is delighted with it, and has been dressing and undressing her “baby” since she came home yesterday and saw it.  My nephew immediately demanded rainbow clothes for his doll so I worked on that today and it was ready when he got home.  He got a sweater, and now I’ve been told that I need to make him a hat… that doll’s head is huge in proportion to the body, and I’ve been calling it “Chucky” (It’s name is JJ) because I find it to be a creepy doll… My nephew disputes that strongly, and argues with me, which I enjoy!  They are practicing their gymnastics and giving me heart attacks, since they stand on their heads and flip themselves over the arm of the sofa and I have visions of them falling or hitting their heads.

I’ll be going to bed early tonight again; I still feel wiped out.  Fairly sure that I’ll be more like myself in a day or so; tomorrow I have the clinic again, and I’m hoping that my blood return works properly as there are all sorts of things that worry me if it doesn’t!  Good night!


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