Against the world…

Ever have one of those days when it seems like the world is out to get you?  You know the ones – starts with your alarm not going off, and burning the toast, then missing your connection, and getting to work 10 minutes late to find that your next day’s meetings are all moved forward?

When you’ve screamed at the universe for the really bad, awful, dreadful, terrible timing, take a DEEP BREATH.  There.  And then take another one.

And remember:

The universe doesn’t hate you.  After all, who could hate YOU?  You’re wonderful, charming, intelligent and a delight to be around.  So, no, you’re not hated.

People aren’t out to get you.  They want to give you hugs and gifts because you’re amazing, not have you punished.

It’s just a bad day to help you remember that there are LOTS of fun and good things in the world that you wouldn’t appreciate as much if you didn’t sometimes have to do without them.

So… smile your big, bright smile at the world, have another deep breath, and dive in to what the world has to offer today.


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