What does she see in me?

Isn’t it amazing, the way that people become friends?

There are friends from childhood, who have known us through all changes and stages. They know all the little secrets that the rest of the world has long since forgotten, but they never use them against us.  We may have become friends by proximity – they lived next door; sat in the next desk at school, or were in the same group.  The older we get, the more precious these friends become.

There are the friends from shared interests – the gals from gym class, or that training course you took on macrame… you never did finish that plant holder, but you have a new friend who is very willing to laugh at your efforts.

There are your work friends, who are good for a laugh and a shared lunch, with often limited personal interactions.

Wherever you meet them, though, they are the people who brighten your day just by being there.  They are the source of some of your greatest strength, your best laughs, your favourite memories.

I have sometimes wondered just how it is that I made some friends out of a large group, when there were other people who just faded away.  I like to think that the threads that bind us all bring some of us closer together so that we’re smarter, stronger, more kind and overall better people for having known them.

What do my friends see in me?  I am not sure.  But I know that in them, I see so many good things that I am honoured they are willing to share.


  1. Dear beautiful woman. What I see in you -- an amazing, loving caring woman. A funny Aunty, dedicated daughter and friend, loving and accepting sister, beautiful fur baby moms . A hilarious co-worker with a sense of style, a love of lobsta and a sense of community. That's what I see in you… today. xoxo Jules


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