Dear Winter



What’s happened to us?  It used to be that I would be eagerly counting the days until the snow flew, and I’d stand outside loving the cold air on my skin as I went about my day, wrapped in a warm coat.  It used to be that snow was sugar-white and sparkly, and made crunchy noises as I walked.  It used to be that walking over a fresh snowfall meant trying to step carefully so the footprints wouldn’t mar that unbroken white.  It used to be that getting home at the end of the day meant hot cocoa and warm blankets and coziness.

But now… Now, when I hear that snow is on the way, I shudder mentally.  A week of cold temperatures causes heaters to be cranked up and even more mental shudders.  Every morning comes the wish “When will it be warm again?”  Winter, you seem to hang around too long.  Arriving in late October, staying until May – what do you think it is?  And the cold that stays and stays and stays… give a girl a break!  Oh, and the short days… this going to work and coming home in the dark is really overdone!


Image result for cold weather quotes


Although I must admit that it is fun to be able to shut off my freezer for a few months and keep all the food on the balcony.  And it’s convenient to chill drinks (and super cool the wine) just by placing them outside the door for 15 minutes.  When else am I going to wear my mukluks?  Or my fake-fur coat (which is really too heavy for any temperature above –15C)  Plus, having a hot cocoa is more fun when it’s chilly out (hot drinks really seem overdone in mid-summer!)

I’m going to try to like you more, Winter.  Rekindle the romance of earlier years. Some new hobbies, perhaps, that make me look forward to cold days when the wind freezes your skin almost immediately.  Some new activities that mean waiting for a just-that-much-colder day to do.  And, of course, something that carries some of the Christmas sparkle into late February.


How about this?

sayings about the cold weather | funny-dog-pictures-ground-cold.jpg


OK, you’re forgiven.  But you’re on notice that you’ll need to leave soon!!


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