

Do you remember a time when you faced a choice of either battling through a difficult, painful situation or leaving it?  What were the factors that you considered before coming to your decision?

This happens to each of us regularly.  The choice of whether to stay in a familiar job or take a new one; the choice of whether to remain in a relationship; the choice of whether to say something kind or cruel.  Every time we make a choice, it shapes who we are.  Each time we opt for anger over understanding, we become more angry.  When we choose to smile instead of frown, we become more cheerful.

The power that our choices have on us is staggering.  We can choose to build successful, loving relationships by working together and finding common ways to resolve issues.  Or we can choose to be unhappy by working independently and assigning blame.  We can choose to stay in difficult, painful situations or we can break old habits and free ourselves.

Making a choice frequently requires courage to step out of a comfort zone (and oh, they are so comfortable!) and try something new.  The choice to make a change in a situation can improve it dramatically, or cause you to realise that your happiness lies elsewhere.  Remember always that you are responsible for your choices.  You may seek advice, but the decision to act or not remains yours.  There is always another choice.  No situation is ever completely hopeless as long as there is life.  Trite, but true!  It may be difficult; it may not be your preference, but there is always an alternative.

If ever you’re stuck, there will always be help if you ask for it.  Always.  It may be in your partner; in a friend; in a posting on social media; a random book that you read or it may come from prayer.  It is true:  ask and you shall receive.  Seek and you will find.  But as long as you sit, brooding over things past, or difficulties present, you are choosing to do nothing and that, too, is a choice.  Choose today to be the best you  Become a creature of splendid glory.  The rest of the world is waiting for you.  I’ll share a secret, too:



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