It’s gotta be tough

OK, it’s time for the semi-annual fashion update, deep Canadian winter edition.

I’m going to say at the outset that this is a form of tough love, and it’s really for your own good.


  • Regardless of what you read in the latest fashion magazines, wearing leggings with a short top is unprofessional.  Especially when said leggings are so snug that we can have an anatomically-correct view of you.  Surprised smile
  • In the same vein, while it is a fashion staple, the boyfriend shirt is not meant to be worn on its own outside the house.  Even with the cute belt and the sleeves rolled up.  You need something under that.  Thumbs down
  • At the other extreme, there is no need for the sweat suit look in the office.  Particularly when the hoodie has seen better days during its time last summer at the cottage.
  • I’m all for comfort, and it’s often reflected in the fact that I wear flats most of the time, so I feel your need for escaping tight, high shoes.  This is no excuse for trekking around in the sneakers or the Kodiaks with melting snow and salt stains.  Keep a clean, comfortable pair of dress shoes under your desk, and change when you’re in the office.


  • Hockey shirts can only be worn during the playoffs when it’s a home game.  Otherwise, leave them hanging up.
  • While you may not need to wear a tie and jacket daily, please ensure that your shirt is clean and ironed.  (Or get one of those lovely no-iron shirts that are available.)  There’s really no need to look like you just rolled off your bed and put on the clothes you slept in. Eye rolling smile
  • Beards, moustaches and other facial hair should be neatly trimmed.  I’ve got this one friend who has a beard that Santa would envy, but it’s always neat and well-groomed, with no food stuck in it.  And then there’s another guy with a van dyke who looks like he eats his cereal face first… guess which one gets more admiring glances?
  • Same rule for the shoes, as for the ladies.  No need to trek around looking like you’re just back from checking your traps when we all know that you live and work in the middle of downtown, and the 2-inch pile of slush at the corner is the extent of your exposure to the elements.

Even though we’re buried under more snow than your parents were used to shovelling out, let’s not descend into looking like complete slobs.   Winking smile


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