Style and fashion


I was digging through my bookshelves the other day, and found an old copy of a book on wardrobe planning and style development.  The advice in it, although current when I got the book, is now almost 20 years old.  But I was pleasantly surprised to find that much of the advice is still relevant.

The takeaway from this is that fashion passes, style endures.  What was fashionable a few years ago (like neon leg warmers) may now be laughable or quaint.  The linebacker-like shoulder pads of the 1940s resurrected in the 1980s and made another brief appearance in the early 2000s.  But a classic single breasted jacket remained a wardrobe staple.  As did trench coats, a-line skirts and pumps.

To avoid huge wardrobe bills and the ever-present complaint of “I have nothing to wear!” the best advice that I ever received was to have several classic, well tailored pieces (blazer, skirt, pants, button shirt and a full suit) that are mixed with a few trendy or transient pieces.  A good suit can be worn for several years, extending its value tremendously.  Items that are worn under a jacket (a chemise, tank or other shirt) can be a trendy piece, or can be a much less expensive purchase.

Shoes, likewise, should be well-curated.  Good dress shoes (black and brown) can be mixed with other, trendier pieces to complete an outfit.  I admit to being one of those people with several pairs of shoes (not all in the same colour!) and I often can’t pass a shoe sale without adding to my collection.  But there are several pairs that have been in regular rotation for some years now, and they will serve for several more (allowing for a replacement of the heels a couple of times)

Dressing well does not require a large budget or a personal stylist (although they do help!)  Ask at your favourite clothing store for advice on your best colour combinations and styles.  Most women’s retailers will provide this service at no cost.  It benefits you, and them (when you’re happy, you tell your friends and go back!)

Meanwhile, have fun with your look.  Try a new colour or a different style.  And remember:



I think that about covers it Smile


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