Kiss the cook


The latest addition to my cookbook collection are several French Caribbean books on desserts (including cakes, confectionery, pastries) – there are 3 books in all, each of which focuses on one area.  I have long ago admitted that many of my books are for display only as there is not enough time in a human life to try all of the recipes, although they certainly work for inspiration!  But these desserts may actually make it into reality. 

The really enjoyable thing about them is that they take tropical fruits and turn them into delightful confections.  What would you say to a curry and grapefruit tart?  On the surface, it seems counterintuitive, but on reflection, the curry does work well with the strong tang of a grapefruit.  (full disclosure:  it’s a pinch of a mild curry powder into 1 1/2 cups of grapefruit pulp.)  I love the mixtures that are highlighted in this series.

Anyone who enjoys cooking has also managed to have some experiments that were less than successful.  (I remember using apple cider vinegar once in a sweet-and-sour sauce.  I do not recommend it!)  The failures are often buried ignominiously and never mentioned again.  Then there are the successes… sometimes by a fluke, we find just the right combination that makes a dish sing.

My aunt persuaded me to try putting cinnamon in chicken.  Thumbs up  I’ve tried some curries that included fruits (mixed results); sweet and savoury mixes (hello, bisteeya!) and desserts with traditionally savoury items (also mixed results).  And I have seen several “You must try this!!!” recipes (which aren’t all they’re advertised.)

Cooking is a lot more fun when you try new things.  So experiment away!


What are some of your favourite combinations?


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  1. OK I need your goto Paella recipe . Sheelfish and non shellfish


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