There’s more!

I confess to a guilty pleasure in watching infomercials, especially those for kitchen equipment.  I am entertained by the hosts (all of whom are “World Famous” even though I’ve never seen or heard of them before) who gush enthusiastically over the AMAZING BREAKTHROUGH!!!! represented by the product.  It’s intriguing to note that without the new product, I (as the average kitchen user) have spent thousands of hours and dollars doing everything WRONG.  This new product, they assure me, will solve the clutter in my cabinets; redeem counter space; slice, dice, mince and chop; cook meats from frozen and ultimately make me the envy of my neighbours, who will congregate at my house to be dazzled by my newfound kitchen wizardry.

Then there are the beauty products, which guarantee to give me the looks of a supermodel, if I buy the product (shipped with amazing regularity.)  Or the fashion item that will take 15lbs off my waist if I wear it (modelled by a size 00 individual) and will turn me into a siren.  There’s a long list.

The entertainment arises from the exaggeration of the value added by the product.  According to the infomercial, without the product, your life is a mess.  Your cooking skills are on the level of a bull running through a china shop on steroids.  Your skin could be used as a relief map for a river delta.  Your “muffin top” could conceal all 100 Dalmatians. And the deal!  For easy payments of $19.95, this wonder could be in your home, making your life more magical.

How about we take a lesson from these salespeople?  What if we found that ONE THING that would suddenly make our lives better, smoother, more glamorous? What would it be?  Can you sell yourself on it, so that your life before seemed chaotic, dark and tumultuous? Having it will make you the envy of all your neighbours, who will be totally dazzled by you.  What is it?

It’s self-affirmation, which will

  • Give you a brighter smile
  • Increase your confidence
  • Boost your motivation
  • Draw new friends towards you
  • Brighten your outlook

Give it a try!


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