Fiat panis

PSA: Leftover food has a definite expiry date and should be consumed long before that! I ate some leftovers that should have been finished a couple of days earlier, and ended up with a minor (thankfully!) attack of tummy wobbles.. It's distressing how that can disrupt your day. There were a few "aftershocks" this morning, and my appetite hasn't returned but that's ok. I'll be fine. Jerry was adorable- I was in the bathroom, battling waves of nausea, and Jerry went to get Don to come and help me! What a good, loving boy! As we're talking about food, and while my appetite is missing, I wanted to discuss a couple of food-related points. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm a girl who enjoys her meals. In fact, looking back at photos over the years, most are of us (my family or friends and 1) around a table, savouring food. By and large my friends are known to enjoy the combination of good food and lively conversation, and I'm happy to know that I c...