Humilitas Occidit Superbiam
So after a night of glorious sleep, I struggled a lot to get 4hours altogether. Swings and roundabouts, eh? It’s all good. Tonight I expect to fall asleep fairly quickly-I was dozing off in my chair while talking with my dad at 6:30 pm, so I expect that to translate into sleep.
My yarn detangling continues. I've managed to unsnarl a large chunk of it. I'm still working at it slowly when Jerry allows. He's decided that yarn is not something he allows to take up space on his lap. 😜
I continue to be discouraged by the manifestations of idiocy at large in society. I'm seriously disturbed by the number of people who seem to be unable to apply basic logic and science. What on earth were all of these people doing during school hours? I submit the following for your consideration:
- On a morning show segment on a local farm; "our pigs are free range so their fat is organic, and that's good for you."
- (Pre-Covid) Grocery samples. "It's got organic cane sugar, so it's healthier than plain water."
- "Popcorn is a whole grain, so it must have gluten."
- "I wasn't the one who created that post; I just shared it. So I can't be expected to know anything about it."
- "Lemons are stronger than chemotherapy."
- "using a cane / glasses / insulin medication just makes you sick / weak / dependent. You should just change your diet."
- “Doctors just want to keep you on medication because it’s profitable. “
If you're sharing information. or you're agreeing with someone, you need to be able to answer questions on the content. You can't just say that you don't know, because you have, by implication, agreed with what was said. Please don’t be silly enough to think that you can just repeat something and not be questioned about it.
- There are multiple levels of testing that are done on treatments. The very experimental is in a lab environment and then it's listed more broadly. Something might work in a lab, but not in the real world. Take, for example of that infamous "inject bleach" statement. Bleachu works well on surfaces, not consumed!
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