fides quaerens intellectum

So bizarre! I slept like a log last night, but today I am having a lot of difficulty keeping my eyes open. It's ludicrous! Plus my feet are all swollen and puffy. Add to that my tummy is unhappy, and I'm gassy and bloated, so I'm uncomfortable! I'm annoyed, trying to understand why my body is misbehaving like this. I hope that it is temporary; but I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor and that should (I hope) clear things up nicely. The eternal optimist-that's me!

Today was very exciting, because - drum roll, please-I got a haircut! For the first time in 21 months. It's an amazing feeling, being groomed again! Even better was getting complimented by random strangers. Does absolute marvels for the ego. Although my spiffy hair and I are just going to be lounging around the house, but at least my hair will be pretty!

.I've come to the realization that we, as humans, need to have an object of worship in our lives. I don't- think that it's possible to not have one! For some people, it's the god of one of the world's major religions. For some, it's money, or the drive to acquire/spend it; it could be sex, or drugs or... you name it. Whatever takes up most of your attention, that you arrange your life to facilitate- that becomes your god. we can debate the specifics, but my thesis is that we each have something. The positive aspect of this is that for (IMO) the majority of people, our aims are to live and let live, to be kind and to avoid harming others.. We may go further, and actively work to help alleviate hurt and protect the weak. we may make it a mission to help and to uplift others. in which case we bring out the best in ourselves and others.

But it works the other way, too, and we can demonstrate the worst aspects of humanity, by being cruel, or hypocrites, or by being fanatical. These are not limited to religious followers, although we're quick to identify those behaviours and mock the people who display them under a banner of religious belief. I find it fascinating that some people turn God into a weapon, and use their beliefs to divide and abuse people, then play victim when challenged. The thing is, though, that any "god" can be turned into a weapon to harm anyone we dislike or with whom we disagree. Money? Lionize the rich and demonize the poor. Internet use? Maintain the digital divide. And so on.

It's sad, though, that like school bullies, those who resort to cruelty or hypocrisy are reacting to their own personal insecurities. They are the ones who often dislike themselves, so they assert dominance over others. Those are the ones who want to force the world into a shape that makes them seem important. They work to put down others, and to make themselves the centre of attention. In contrast, those who are secure and at peace with themselves are Kinder, gentler and more inclined to help others.

I bring this up because I'm seeing the "greatest hits of intolerance" being played out with the pro-plague crowd. They're using Warped logic,twisting facts and name calling to promote their programme. Each of the points they raise has been addressed, in minute detail, and refuted. But they present information in such a way as to suggest problems. I'd think that if they'd really done their research then their questions would be more along the lines of, "HOW can I help improve vaccination levels?" lt's unfortunate that even with fully functioning sensory equipment (eyes, ears, brain..-) there's no guarantee that people will see, hear or understand what's right in front of them!

The difficulty for the bullies is that they are seeking easy answers and control in a world that is intrinsically and extremely messy. There are many people who cannot cope with this and they become angry with everyone who is different from themselves. This is beginning at the wrong end, and to turn belief into a crusade.  Crusades - as we all know from history - lead to misery, forced conversions and lots of death. But for someone who can accept that life is messy, they embrace it and adapt to living among chaotic circumstances and help others to thrive.

The core beliefs for any person who truly believes in any of the major religions is to love thy neighbour. Even those who disavow a deity follow it. This manifests itself as treating others write kindness and compassion, and a willingness to protect the welfare of the vulnerable. We should use these factors in assessing the intentions of people.

Another complicated topic, sorry! I think that my body needs to get back to behaving, reduce my pain, settle my tummy issues and get to walk normally so I'm less inclined to go wandering through these philosophical labyrinths! Good night!


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